Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Keeping it cool: Malaysia looks to district energy systems.

    A collaborative effort among the United Nations' District Energy in Cities Initiative, the Malaysian government, and private partners has facilitated planning in Malaysia's rapidly developing southern state of Johor for a "District Energy System": a single heating and cooling network which decreases energy consumption by converting waste heat from large power stations. Because of this intervention, Iskandar is projected to decrease its energy use by almost 40% -- all while saving money on energy costs, recycling heat energy, and contributing to the nation's goals under the international Paris Accord.

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  • Eviction prevention efforts in Baltimore lag

    Resources to prevent evictions in Baltimore continue to decline, even while other cities are allotting more resources to keeping people in their homes. This article explores the many problems facing Baltimore tenants trying to avoid eviction and juxtaposes those examples with those of other cities such as New York, which is actually expanding funding for attorneys to represent tenants because avoiding evictions saves money. Many organizations in Baltimore say people often need help just once to avert a crisis, but the funds available to help continue to dwindle.

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  • In Quebec, one who turned away from extremism helps others find the path

    The Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence in Quebec has expanded rapidly, becoming a model for programs around the world. What sets it apart from projects in Europe and the United States is that it confronts extremism of all stripes — not just Islamist — and focuses on behavior that signals the risk of violence, not just radical ideas, only involving law enforcement as a last resort.

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  • This National Gallery of Art program helps people with memory loss ‘connect with who they were'

    The National Gallery of Art’s “Just Us” program brings seniors with memory loss symptoms to the museum for ‘meditation’ on paintings. Using the paintings as prompts, visitors are encouraged to react to and interpret what is before them mentally engaging them and providing an opportunity for socialization.

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  • STARS Program Helps Drug Court, Families Align

    Sacramento County Department of Health and Human Services arose from the need to improve the outcomes of drug addicted parents and their children, such as increasing reunification statistics. STARS employs case workers who have previously been drug addicted, and can provide immediate support and services such as meeting with the participant, accessing treatment options, and drug screening.

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  • Mural Arts project demonstrates ‘hope' for Kensington

    In a Philadelphia neighborhood hit hard by the opioid crisis, a new space is creating public art that attempts to undo stigmas around substance abuse and create a comfortable space for those in recovery.

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  • Prevention Point Philadelphia aims to reduce harm with syringe exchange

    Prevention Point Philadelphia provides needle-exchange, HIV and Hepatitis C testing, counseling groups, mailboxes, and Naloxone (an opioid overdose reversal drug) training to 18,000 people. The center also connects addicts to addiction services and other social programs if they want to seek recovery.

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  • The Unsung Government Program That Gives Federal Property to the Homeless

    Thirty years ago, the U.S. Congress created a process called Title V that requires excess federal land be offered to state and city governments and nonprofits for homeless services. Hampered by challenging obstacles throughout the process, only about 900 acres across the country have been converted to shelters and other facilities. Now streamlined and improved, Title V is poised to make a much greater impact.

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  • In Cleveland, co-op model finds hope in employers rooted in the city

    To combat the rapid decline in Cleveland's economy after the manufacturing collapse co-ops have stepped in. Co-ops help residents of poor neighborhoods find jobs, build stability and buy houses. They benefit other organizations by helping them to invest in the community.

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  • How a Nation Reconciles After Genocide Killed Nearly a Million People

    In an attempt to bring peace to a region post-genocide, Rwanda has implemented "Reconciliation Villages" where survivors and perpetrators live side-by-side. This state-mandated reconciliation has lead to community service events that bring the two populations even closer together as they work to better the community they all live in.

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