Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Repaying the Human Cost of Our Gadgets

    Nearly 300 people have fallen ill from working in Samsung’s Seoul-located factory. In order to advocate for those that became sick and the rights of current employees, the Supporters for the Health And Rights of People in the Semiconductor industry (SHARP) was founded. SHARP has made gains through a 24 hour presence outside the factory; developing a coalition of environmental and occupational health professionals, labor unions, and affected families; and winning a court case that linked the cause of illness to the effect of working at the Samsung factory.

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  • Want To Serve The World's Poorest Citizens? Take Your Company Public In India

    There is a substantial argument for increased involvement of private companies in venture philanthropy. Unlike large government bodies and NGOs, private companies are more nimble and experienced when it comes to strategies in marketing, R&D, creating pricing structures, and adapting to rapid social change. Three companies in India are seeing real results by serving India's poorest customers with a market-based approach.

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  • The Internet Mapmakers Helping Nepal

    Whenever there’s a natural catastrophe, a team of “crisis mappers” activate around the world. These volunteers use crowdsourcing tools to turn satellite data into digital maps, which are then used to make decisions on the ground, enabling rescuers to deliver food, shelter, and supplies to areas that need them most.

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  • Shelters, Clinics Work Together to Help Domestic Violence Victims

    Domestic violence victims often suffer in silence and do not have encouragement to find help. San Luis Obispo in California has created a program RISE that trains primary care physicians to identify signs of domestic abuse and collaborates with clinics to treat and rehabilitate victims. The Affordable Care Act provides coverage for domestic violence screenings, offering financial incentives to help get victims the help that they need.

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  • The Navajo Are Fighting to Get Their Water Back

    In Navajo Nation, access to water is scarce and 38% of people don't have it. In several states tribes have been signing away their rights to rivers and other water sources in exchange for help with building the infrastructure to bring clean water to many who have been without.

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  • The ‘Chicago Model' of Policing Hasn't Saved Chicago

    Chicago suffers from violence and tension between police officers and low-income predominantly Black communities. In 2011, the chief of police consulted with a network of university academics and began implementing “procedural justice,” which was an approach that trained police departments to surmount the lack of confidence that residents felt towards officers. The academics and police chief found that by directing social workers to the homes of at-risk community members, and regarding them with respect, there was a reduction in violence—but now the program has stalled.

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  • Brazil's School Food Revolution

    By requiring schools to buy 30 percent of products from smallholder farms, Brazil provides fresher food to students and economic benefits to otherwise struggling farmers. Since 1955, Brazil's staple national school lunch program has responded to economic and social trends - what was once a program focused on ending malnutrition has evolved to address rising rates of obesity and diabetes. Though there is variation in quality and compliance between regions and principals often have to step in to cover unforeseen costs, leaders are optimistic about the value of the program.

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  • How Dwindling Fish Stocks Got a Reprieve

    Giving fishermen a business incentive to fish sustainably can “unleash their creative capacity” to help solve the problem, says one expert.

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  • How the slum women of Ahmedabad led a housing revolution

    The Indian city where Gandhi established his first ashram can be grueling if you live in a slum: 50 ºC temperatures, poor ventilation, no running water. A group of women had had enough and agreed to work with developers.

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  • When you treat violence as a health problem, kids and communities heal, experts say

    Victims of violence found in hospitals are more likely to return for emergency care than those with chronic illnesses. As a result, communities like Cleveland, Ohio are trying the approach of treating violence as a public health issue. By employing social workers and peer mentors for the victims while being treated, it is hoped that the cycle of violence can be interrupted and the root cause addressed.

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