Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Cook County, Minnesota, has kept COVID at bay

    In Minnesota, cross-sector collaboration, contact tracing, and a focus on adhering to public health safety protocols have helped Cook County avoid an outbreak of COVID-19 cases, despite being a tourist destination. Local health officials and industry leaders presented a united front, while residents and business owners focused on ways to "keep the tourists from infecting the locals." With only seven residents contracting the virus by summer's end, the efforts appear to have been successful.

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  • A Clever Strategy to Distribute Covid Aid—With Satellite Data

    To quickly distribute money to poverty-stricken areas in Togo during the coronavirus pandemic, the country's government turned to mobile cash payments. Working with a nonprofit and UC Berkeley’s Center for Effective Global Action, Togo established a system of mobile payments to reach 30,000 of Togo’s poorest people who were identified via satellite imagery and image analysis algorithms.

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  • Children as Catalysts for Change

    Ukraine ranked No.9 on the list of countries with the highest amount of trash per capita. In Mykolayiv, the city partnered with a nonprofit to sort waste at public schools. “A total of 20,000 students took part last year, collecting, sorting, and recycling 119 tons of waste.” The program has proven successful, students compete for a top prize. Children are “our agents of change.” Other towns want to adopt the program in their own schools.

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  • Дети – агенты изменений. Как работает раздельный сбор мусора в школах Николаева

    Україна посідає дев'яте місце в переліку країн із найбільшим обсягом сміття на душу населення. У Миколаєві міська влада та громадська організація об'єдналися, щоб сортувати відходи у школах міста. "Загалом проєкт залучив 20,000 школярів, яким за рік вдалося зібрати, відсортувати й надіслати на переробку 119 тонн сміття". Програма довела свою успішність, школярі змагаються за першість у сортуванні. Діти таки є "нашими агентами змін". Інші міста виявляють прагнення запровадити програму для власних шкіл.

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  • How one school became a ‘COVID-19 Safety Zone' through innovative testing

    High school students at Somerset High School in San Antonio, Texas get tested every week for COVID-19. The method is called “assurance testing,” and is a way to target “silent spreaders,” people who have COVID who don’t show symptoms and spread the virus to the larger community. With assurance testing, silent spreaders are quickly identified, preventing them from spreading COVID. “Of the 70,000 tests Community Labs has run so far, 1,700 were identified as positive for COVID-19. Most of those positive test results came from people who were asymptomatic and had no idea they had the virus.”

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  • Cross fostering helps Mexican wolf population boost genetic mix

    As the Mexican wolf population neared extinction, the Arizona Game & Fish Department and the Endangered Wolf Center have been placing pups born in captivity in wild dens. This effort, known as cross-fostering, has been successful in not only increasing the number of wolves in the Southwest, but also improving the survival skills of cross-fostered wolves. While the Mexican wolf population hasn’t completely rebounded, more people are understanding the importance that the species has on the ecosystem.

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  • National organization repurposes summer camps, combating ‘summer slide' in reading and math

    As summer programs across the country shut down to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Children’s Defense Fund Freedom School summer program in Austin tried was forced to quickly pivot to virtual learning. They had to make large technological purchases, hire a help desk staff, reached out to volunteers, and had to figure out how to get students to log on.

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  • What Comes Next for Portland's Protests?

    Black Lives Matters protests have been sustained by an autonomously organized mutual aid network providing a range of services for protesters and community members. Requests for information and assistance are sent using encrypted communication. The groups provide medics, public protest art, legal and financial aid, and even mechanics to service protesters’ cars and a group that helps protesters replace glasses that were damaged or lost due to police encounters. The extensive mutual aid network enables flexibility to respond to a diverse set of changing needs, sustaining protests longer than in other cities.

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  • Budget-strapped Wyo towns bypass state with climate efforts

    Several counties in Wyoming are "breaking with state policy" in order to introduce initiatives and efforts aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Although the state controls financial allocations, city and county governments as well as community-driven efforts have still resulted in a reduction of electrical consumption and fossil fuel consumption.

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  • Chimney Sweeps Attack Deadly Pollution Crisis

    After banning the burning of raw coal as a way to reduce air pollution in Mongolia, residents of Ulaanbaatar switched to refined charcoal to heat their homes. However, that coal also wasn’t the cleanest and contributed to hundreds suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. To fix that, the government teamed up with a private company to hire more than 1,600 people to clean and inspect people’s chimneys and stoves. While critics say the program doesn’t solve the country’s pollution problem, the service has provided jobs to those who didn’t have steady work and helped those who aren't able to clean their stoves.

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