Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • In drought, Rio Grande Valley irrigators feel the crunch

    Population growth, historical dryness and predictions of a warming climate all mean a future of scarce water in the Rio Grande's Upper Basin. Farmers and the irrigation districts are left to try and find ways to conserve what river water they have - and there's a lot to be saved. To minimize such losses, both irrigation districts have taken a number of steps.

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  • How the Arts Drove Pittsburgh's Revitalization

    Investments into the arts serve as significant economic catalysts. In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, legacy foundations like the Heinz Endowments, Benedum Foundation, and Richard King Mellon Foundation pooled their resources to create the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, which supports art and culture in the city’s downtown districts. By purchasing and refurbishing existing real estate, as well as lending support to smaller initiatives like the Pittsburgh Playwrights Theatre Company, PCT’s investments have served as an engine of growth for the city.

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  • Greener Pastures for Cattle Ranching

    In Colombia, traditional cattle pastures have caused soil degradation, deforestation, and desertification. To reconcile this, several thousand acres of land in Latin America have been transformed into a silvo-pastoral system of grazing and raising cattle with agro-forestry. The Colombia-based Center for Research in Sustainable Systems of Agriculture seeks to reduce pasture land by 26 million acres while increasing cattle numbers by 2019.

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  • 'Big Dry' Lessons: Southwest can learn from Australia's drought

    In Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council was formed after a severe drought to bring together federal, state and regional governments and bridge parochial concerns. It was meant to manage the basin as a whole and end overuse and salinization of farm land, leveraging new technologies to adapt to new realities.

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  • America's Tiniest Innovators: Report from Pittsburgh

    In a Pittsburgh elementary school, kids grapple with electricity and circuits, breeding a familiarity with technology that founders of the “Children’s Innovation Project” hope equips them for a better future. This partnership between Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh public schools, and the CREATE Lab (Community, Robotics, Education, Technology, Empowerment) is helping kids incorporate a passion for technology into their lives and their futures.

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  • In India, Latrines Are Truly Lifesavers

    In India, 620 million people openly defecate outdoors, causing harm to hygiene, sanitation, food, and water resources. The president of India funded an initiative to build public toilets for the people in his country, but the people did not use them because of traditions and behaviors. The Total Sanitation Campaign is starting to change villagers’ minds by having local leadership persuade those who resist the toilets by holding community activities and creating special committees to maintain the sanitation.

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  • In Quick Response, Mali Thwarts an Ebola Outbreak

    When a case of the Ebola disease struck a little girl in Africa, health officials in Mali collaborated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization to contain the illness and quarantine people. The episode also has changed social customs and expanded sanitation procedures so that more people are aware of how to keep themselves healthy.

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  • MIT D-Lab promotes rural community innovations in Guatemala with Soluciones Comunitarias

    MIT's D-Lab is supporting individuals in impoverished, rural areas invent low-cost technologies to address the needs of their communities. In 2009, the D-Lab paired with SolCom, a Guatemalan community organizing enterprise, and an international development fund to bring this model to the isolated area of Nebaj, assisting locals in creating a Makerspace for microentrepreneurs. The collaboration has fostered an environment for sustainable grassroots change, in which the social and intellectual capital needed to create the needed innovations and inventions originates in the community itself.

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  • How to Attract Artists to a Down-and-Out Neighborhood

    Public-private collaborations can promote entrepreneurship and foster economic revitalization. In the Franklinton neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio, partnerships between the city of Columbus, the Franklinton Development Association (FDA), and local businesses have led to a flourishing of artist studios, maker spaces, and other community attractions. The initiatives were funded in part by grants from ArtPlace America as well as the city of Columbus.

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  • In Tanzania, Coke improves medical distributions

    Project Last Mile is a partnership between Coca-Cola and Tanzania’s Medical Stores Department that is helping to deliver medications to the most remote parts of the country. Due to this partnership, the Medical Stores Department has been able to leverage Coca-Cola's "geocoded software to identify the most efficient delivery schedules and routes," and significantly increase the availability of medicine throughout Tanzania.

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