Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • For Drug Users, a Swift Response Is the Best Medicine

    In Vermont, a judge and a family services organization created RapidReferal – a process which offers addicts treatment immediately and has lowered recidivism. Funded by Medicaid, the program has had demonstrable impact, namely, a decrease in recidivism.

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  • The Power of Failure

    Nongovernmental groups – especially ones that depend on donations – hate to fail, and never make their failures public. But at new conferences, social activists share and learn from failure.

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  • Is there a way through the West's bitter wild horse wars?

    After controversy over the removal wild horse populations, the Bureau of Land Management was tasked with the order of protecting wild horse populations. After years of protection, however, the wild horse population has grown to an unsustainable amount. To mitigate the damage to the rural landscape while still maintaining a reasonable wild horse population, researchers are focusing their efforts on teaching wild horse advocates how to administer a form of birth control via dart.

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  • Hydrogen Fuels Autorickshaws and Dreams of Cleaner Air

    Autorickshaws are a main source of transport within India, but not all autorickshaws are being created equally anymore. In an attempt to reduce their carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels, India is experimenting with implementing hydrogen-powered autorickshaws that look and act the same, but emit emissions of only water vapor and heat.

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  • Microhydro Drives Change in Rural Nepal

    Microhydro power plants are finding their place amongst some of the smallest villages in Nepal, bringing both electricity and industry opportunities to the regions. Although they aren't capable of generating near the amount of power as a typical hydro plant, they also have far less impact on the environment and encourage community involvement.

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  • In Africa's Vanishing Forests, the Benefits of Bamboo

    In Africa, many people rely on wood from trees to cook food over stoves. The tremendous usage of wood contributes to deforestation and environmental decline. Using bamboo instead of wood is a more profitable and greener solution.

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  • Harnessing Local Pride for Global Conservation

    The World Conservation Union estimates that 40 percent of the more than 40,000 species it tracks on its Red List are close to extinction and this problem requires humans to change their behavior to fix it. Rare’s the Pride Campaign uses social marketing to attract attention and communicate the conservation message between local communities and government entities. The Pride Campaign has been replicated around the world for different conservation efforts to protect biodiversity.

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  • Helping Where Help Is Wanted

    Vacant positions exist in many employment sectors, including in education and in hospitals. ReServe is a program that joins retired professionals to part-time paid positions in non-profits to perform duties. A controversy has emerged that suggests these positions should be paid at a professional-rate salary.

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  • In a Second Career, Working to Make a Difference

    Some inner city schools, nonprofits, and businesses in New York lack the staff to make their organizations function for the people they serve. ReServe is a program that links retired professionals with part-time jobs in schools, libraries, hospitals and other city agencies to help fil this gap.

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  • Karyn McCluskey: the woman who took on Glasgow's gangs

    In Glasgow, gang violence was rampant and affected the youth of the community. Then a new initiative was started: VRU's Community Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV). This initiative focused on providing support to those who need help and to reduce police tolerance towards violence. This program helped to build empathy and reduced violence by 24%.

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