Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Hard Times for Recess

    Despite strong evidence that school-based physical activity improves children’s cognitive skills, concentration, and behavior, schools under pressure to produce quantitative results and decrease bullying have drastically cut back on recess in recent years. An Oakland-based nonprofit organization called Playworks is working to make healthy play accessible for more children and show schools how productive recess can be to the whole academic world.

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  • The Power of Partnerships

    Some problems are simply too complex to solve with any single approach. The “collective impact” strategy of creating alliances of civic and business leaders is being applied to social problems across the nation.

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  • Making the Text-to-Mom Connection

    Text4baby is a free service that sends text messages to pregnant women, and new mothers to provide them with useful tips to keep themselves and their babies healthy. This solution involves many different types of organizations such as for-profit health care providers, nonprofit community groups, wireless carriers, and government agencies. This program shows how you get a country — with all its diverse institutional strengths — to work as a team.

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  • Mothers-to-Be Are Getting the Message

    An average of 28,000 children born in the U.S. each year die before their first birthday – and many more face disabilities and serious life-long health problems, often because they are born prematurely or at low birth weights. A free service, text4baby, delivers crucial health advice via text message to pregnant women and new mothers.

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  • When Lenders Won't Listen

    In part, miscommunication between bankers, brokers and homeowners created the 2008 economic crisis. Protection laws mandating better labeling and trusted third-party intermediaries could improve communication and help prevent another crisis.

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  • How Iran Derailed a Health Crisis

    Two columns on how Iran is treating its massive epidemic of injecting drug use by tackling it as a health problem, effectively lowering H.I.V. rates among drug users using an approach to drugs known as harm reduction.

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  • The Revolution Will Be Mapped

    Mapping technology has been used in creative ways to visualize discrimination on the municipal level and hold governments accountable for using methods that are hard to understand or quantify to perpetuate discrepancies. Cedar Grove Institute for Sustainable Communities in North Carolina is one of the first to do this kind of work, and their methods and expertise have spread across the nation.

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  • Held together by the strings

    Funded by a combination of state grants and private donations, the nonprofit organization, Community MusicWorks, extends the reach and influence of classical music and music education. The nonprofit hosts workshops, lessons, and programs for children in low-income neighborhoods of Providence, RI, with interest in, but limited access to, music programs.

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  • Coalition eager to apply lessons at home, Milwaukee anti-crime group inspired by its mission to Boston

    Now that a coalition of Milwaukee preachers, police and prosecutors has witnessed firsthand the success of a crime-fighting partnership in Boston, the local coalition is clearing its first obstacle -- putting its ideas into action at home.

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  • Holy alliance: Boston's cop-clergy partnership sees plunge in homicides

    Partnerships between police officers and clergy are being credited with dramatically reducing the rate of homicide in Boston, particularly among teens. And it is drawing the attention of officials in larger cities across the United States, all of whom are looking at adopting some portion of the Boston model.

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