Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • With command and control, Taiwan excels in managing COVID-19

    After the 2003 SARS epidemic, Taiwan formed the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), which has proved necessary in the face of COVID19. The CECC has helped coordinated screenings for incoming travelers, rationing face masks, creating a hotline, and enforcing mandatory self-quarantines. They’ve also integrated health insurance, immigration, and customs databases to identify those most at risk.

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  • Hand Sanitizer Mini-Factories Popping Up Around Bay Area

    In the Bay Area of California, organizations are repurposing their work and personal spaces to act as DIY pop-up hand sanitizer factories during the coronavirus pandemic. From donating the product to homeless shelters to installing hand washing stations and hand sanitizer dispensers throughout cities, community members are taking an active role in trying to help contain the virus.

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  • Frisco tech company MTX uses text symptom monitoring system to help fight COVID-19

    A tech company has developed a monitoring text messaging system for those entering the United States from China as a means of trying to contain the coronavirus. With an individual's consent, the system sends one text per day for 14 days to monitor the traveler's health and then shares that information directly with local health departments.

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  • Cuyahoga County ‘disease detectives,' CWRU medical students track coronavirus in one of Ohio's hotspots

    Cuyahoga County enlists medical students and residents to help the overwhelmed city health staff tackle the coronavirus chaos. Among other administrative tasks, students interview patients who have tested positive for coronavirus, noting their symptoms and underlying health issues to provide data and patterns to county health officials.

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  • How South Korea Solved Its Acute Hospital-Bed Shortage

    In order to reduce the mortality rate from the coronavirus pandemic as much as possible, medical centers and the government in South Korea reserved beds only for the most ill, while others were quarantined in supervised dorms. To dictate where and how someone would be treated, they were assigned into a category of asymptomatic, mild, severe, or critical, which helped prioritize those that actually needed hospitalization.

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  • This Grassroots Group Handed Out 600 Meals To Neighbors In Anacostia On Friday

    As the coronavirus pandemic sends people to grocery stores to obtain supplies, a grassroots effort is underway in one neighborhood in Anacostia, Washington to help get food to those who have difficulty accessing stories. Working with local businesses that are shut down due to the outbreak, volunteers are collecting donated food from these various restaurants and cafes and then distributing it to community members.

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  • Denmark's Idea Could Help the World Avoid a Great Depression

    The government of Denmark is taking drastic measures to stem the tide of economic depression already hitting parts of the world in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The government told companies affected by the economic downturn that it would pay 75 percent of their employees’ salaries to avoid mass layoffs, with the price tag of 13 percent of the national economy in three months.

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  • Crowdsourcing to Fight a Pandemic

    To address those that have been specifically impacted by economic crash due to coronavirus and to slow the spread, cities across the United States are enacting comprehensive measures to help. From a halt on all utility shutoffs to releasing inmates who have nearly completed their sentences or are being held pretrial on cash bail, local governments across the nation are looking for ways to address how the pandemic is impacting the most vulnerable.

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  • How Civic Technology Can Help Stop a Pandemic

    Taiwan has gone largely unscathed thus far by the coronavirus, showing that their methodology of relying on civic technology has merit to be a model for other countries. Through a combination of "community initiatives, hackathons, and digital deliberation" Taiwan has been able to utilize "broad digital participation and community-driven tool development," both democratically and efficiently.

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  • Can't Get Tested? Maybe You're in the Wrong Country

    The coronavirus pandemic has been contained in varying degrees depending on the country, but early data is showing that the countries which decentralized their approach to testing manufacturing have faired better at mitigation. Unlike the U.S. and U.K which were both hesitant to implement proactive measures and chose a centralized approach to testing, Australia, Korea, and Singapore "turned to networks of public and private laboratories to develop tests," which helped more people get tested as a faster pace.

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