Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What the U.S. Can Learn From Taiwan's Response to Coronavirus

    After being caught off-guard during the 2003 SARS epidemic, Taiwan developed a public health infrastructure to help prepare them for another. With the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, their number of cases have stayed low because of heightened surveillance for those who travel, the linking of insurance and immigration databases, combating misinformation through an educational campaign, and early plans for child care, businesses, and schools.

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  • A Disease Tracker Backed by Gates and Zuckerberg Tackles Covid-19 in Cambodia

    Identifying the metagenomic sequencing for new outbreaks of viruses can help to better assess how the virus is spreading, which in turn helps health officials figure out how to slow down the contagion. In the midst of a coronavirus outbreak, a tool that was first used to during the SARS outbreak is now being used to track Covid-19 in under-resourced places such as Cambodia.

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  • Stemming the tide

    As a neurological disorder known as chronic wasting disease spreads among wildlife herds like deer and elk in Montana, the state is trying to increase testing of the fatal disease and understand if it can be transmitted to humans. By learning from the failures in Wyoming, a state agency offered free statewide testing to hunters resulting in new positives in areas that they might have missed, which will help them track how the disease spreads across the landscape.

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  • Mexican government's ‘Health Windows' aid U.S. immigrants with preventative care

    To better serve Mexican citizens living in the U.S., the Mexican government created an initiative known as Health Windowns that helps bridge the gap between immigrants and preventive health care access. Although anyone is welcome to visit the free resource centers or any of the community pop-ups for medical attention, the program targets those who lack health insurance or are hesitant to receive traditional medical care.

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  • The Beautiful Place that Stopped Big Bottled Water

    Washington State could pass one of the toughest restrictions on water bottling operations in the United States, thanks to activists who raised environmental concerns over a bottling facility that wanted to open in a town. Their advocacy is modeled after a similar legal fight in Oregon, where environmentalists, Native American tribes, and labor unions came together behind the campaign. Their success could provide a plan for similar efforts in other communities.

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  • This Tiny Louisiana Police Force Is a National Leader in Taking Guns From Abusers

    Despite a strong gun-rights culture in the state, Louisiana law enforcement agencies use aggressive gun-confiscation laws and procedures to disarm domestic abusers as part of a wider array of protections for victims. Thanks to the work of one abuse survivor turned cop in the small south Louisiana parish of Lafourche, new laws and local-federal collaboration have spread statewide, making convicted abusers less likely to have ready access to a gun.

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  • Illegal Fishing You Can See from Space

    A space-based initiative called Global Fishing Watch is using satellite imagery and data to hold companies accountable to their promise of providing sustainable sourced seafood. While the volume of data and cost of obtaining it can be a challenge, the organization has partnered with key collaborators to help with the effort. Countries like Indonesia and Panama are working with them to stop illegal fishing.

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  • Vaccinations give migrants hope and health as they wait to enter the U.S.

    Immigrant children waiting to gain access to the U.S. from Mexico often require vaccinations when they get to the border, but the immigration process doesn't allow for it. To address this gap in health care, an organization in Phoenix collaborates with the Mexican Red Cross and a local shelter to offer one-day vaccination clinics for those in need.

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  • How Farms Turn Food Waste Into Renewable Energy

    Food waste diverted from the landfill to anaerobic digesters can be used to create electricity. In Massachusetts, farmers and businesses participate in a waste-to-energy project in partnership with Vanguard Renewables. Discarded food waste is mixed with cow manure and fed into a digester. The gasses created are then used to power electric generators.

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  • To Survive Disaster, Plan for the Worst

    The United Nations and other international relief organizations are honing their skills at anticipating humanitarian disasters and then using that foresight to prevent at least some of their human toll, rather than simply reacting to the harm after the fact. By setting aside money or providing direct aid based on predictions of impending harm from natural and man-made disasters, aid agencies have helped would-be victims of floods in Bangladesh prepare more effectively and fed would-be victims of a Somalian famine before it struck.

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