Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Ii: The greenest town in Europe

    The town of Ii, in northern Finland, has cut carbon emissions by 80 percent, hitting the European Union's target 30 years before the deadline. Thanks to collective action in the community, businessmen, children, grandparents, and even the mayor has pitched in. In the process, the town of Ii boosted its local economy.

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  • Flint's Water Crisis Spurs Other Cities To Remove Lead Pipes

    As cities and states across the United States begin to remove lead water pipes, some communities are looking for cost-effective ways to fix them because of the risk of contaminated drinking water. Three cities in the Midwest have started the process and have used innovative ways to raise the funds to replace the aging service lines, which could be a model for other cities like Chicago to follow.

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  • Three years of mining, 40 years of taxpayer clean up for river downstream of Vancouver Island copper mine

    After an abandoned copper mine destroyed the Tsolum River in Canada, it took decades and cross-sector collaboration to reduce acid runoff and bring back fish populations. The government, a restoration society, and even the mining industry worked together to come up with solutions to save the river. Their latest attempt — capping the mine waste with glacial sediment and an asphalt covering — in 2009 succeeded. In 2015, 129,000 pink salmon came back to the river — a record return since fish counts began in 1953.

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  • Lessons in the Fight Against AIDS

    There are six countries that have reached "90–90–90" targets meaning, "90 percent of people with HIV in a country know their status, 90 percent of those diagnosed are on treatment, and 90 percent on treatment are virally suppressed." The solutions that have worked for these countries, like cross-sector partnerships and evidence-based prevention campaigns, are now models for regions still fighting to reduce rates.

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  • Climate Change Was Killing Northwest Oysters. Growers and Scientists Fought Back

    The world's oceans absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which is a positive thing in the face of climate change for those living on land, but can harm the animals that rely on certain acidification levels of ocean waters. When it became apparent off the coasts of Oregon and Washington that oysters and other sea life with a shell or a skeleton were suffering the ramifications, researchers created a sensor that could detect acidification levels that could warn oyster growers of potentially harmful areas.

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  • Bonin/Huizar Look to Citywide Collaborative Housing Program to End Homelessness for Thousands of Angelenos

    The success of a pilot program that successfully housed several dozen people in Los Angeles is the basis of current proposed legislation. The program known as "SHARE! Collaborative Housing" finds housing for people with disabilities and those experiencing homelessness by matching people with homeowners in residential neighborhoods and places its members with other people who are going through similar struggles. Over 25 percent of participants are fully employed and move out within a year. SHARE! is more cost effective and successful than traditional government methods used to alleviate homelessness.

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  • Art Helps Returning Citizens ‘Cross the Threshold'

    Performance art provides a healing outlet for formerly incarcerated individuals. In New York City, the Ritual4Return program encourages participants to express the transition in their lives through art. Using an artistic expression helps individuals cope with the experience of incarceration and encourages them to reflect on crossing the threshold into the next stage of life. The program operates with the support of grants from universities, foundations, and private donations through a Kickstarter campaign.

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  • The world's first 3D-printed neighborhood now has its first houses

    3D-printed homes offer a solution to affordable housing in remote and underserved areas. New Story, nonprofit in San Francisco that specializes in 3D printed homes, recently expanded its work to Tabasco, Mexico. After using 3D printers to help communities in El Salvador, Bolivia, and Haiti rebuild after natural disasters, the nonprofit has brought its model to create an affordable neighborhood in rural Mexico. Partnering with Icon, the developers of a 3D printer, and a local nonprofit, Echale a Tu Casa, the initiative has created its first homes for residents.

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  • How a closed-door meeting shows farmers are waking up on climate change

    As the agriculture industry faces crop and profit loss due to catastrophic weather events, many farmers and ranchers are being catalysts for conversations with politicians, scientists, and environmental groups about how to combat the effects of climate change. Throughout the United States, key stakeholders in the food supply chain have formed working groups to discuss climate change and how their industry can work together to improve soil health and sequester carbon. While there are some who are not supportive of these efforts, there is a growing consensus around the importance of having these discussions.

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  • How Do You Solve A Problem Like Lead Pipes? Lessons From Cities Getting It Done

    Chicago has thousands of miles of lead pipes supplying water to homes and business, and they all need to be replaced because of the risk of contaminating drinking water. Although this task is difficult, three other cities in the nation have projects underway that are providing a model for Chicago to consider.

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