Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Rwanda's Model: Progress, With More Work Ahead

    Enrolling local agents allows global partners to connect underserved and remote communities to healthcare. A partnership between Rwanda’s Health Ministry and the Boston-based nonprofit, Partners in Health, trains community-based health workers to communicate and connect people on the ground to health services across the country. Rwanda has also implemented reforms and services such as government-subsided healthcare, which has helped improve the life expectancy of its citizens.

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  • The Fashion Executives Who Saved a Patagonian Paradise

    After amassing a large amount of property in Chile, the Tompkins Conservation would donate millions of acres to the government to maintain as national parks for wildlife conservation and sustainable land use. This was the largest act of “wildlands philanthropy” in history. When the Tompkins started buying land, locals were at first distrustful, but now they’re concerned the government won’t be able to maintain the properties. Thanks to the Tompkins Conservation, wildlife, like the South Andean deer, are being reintroduced and forests have recovered.

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  • Upcoming Philadelphia Based App Connects LGBTQ Folks with Informed Affordable Health Care

    When you're new to a city, finding health practitioners that you trust can be difficult, and it's made even more challenging if you identify as LGBTQ and are looking for queer-competent providers. A new app launching in Philadelphia changes that thought, by acting as a "queer health care 'Yelp.'”

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  • Tech giants and 2-year colleges are teaming up to teach in-demand skills

    Amazon has developed a cloud computing certificate. It is one of a growing number of technology companies partnering with community colleges and increasingly four year colleges to offer vendor-specific curriculum. But critics don't believe colleges will be able to change coursework as fast as the quickly evolving industry requires and argue that such as an approach is an imposition on academic freedom.

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  • The Surprising Rural Health-Care Legacy of the ‘60s

    Across the United States, rural health-care centers that qualify to receive a Federally Qualified Health Centers designation are better able to provide affordable care for those that need it. Although there are limitations and other issues still being addressed, these health care centers are "committed to serving everyone, regardless of ability to pay."

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  • Saving The Planet One Drone At A Time

    As conservationists around the world grapple with saving endangered species, many have turned to the tech sector. Initiatives like The Zooniverse, a citizen science platform for people-powered research, are helping expand over 90 different projects. Even more, scientists have started directly collaborating with technologists to develop products, like weather-resistant cameras for capturing penguins in Antarctica, specially for their work.

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  • Historic Recordings Revitalize Language For Passamaquoddy Tribal Members

    In 1890, an anthropologist used an early audio recording device called a phonograph to record three spokesmen for the Passamaquoddy tribe singing songs, telling stories, and pronouncing simple words. After years of efforts to eradicate Native American culture and language, these recordings were found again and shared with modern-day members of the Passamaquoddy tribe, who now use it to transcribe, interpret, and add to their cultural knowledge. The songs and stories have already begun making their way back into tribal events.

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  • California crab fishermen are testing “ropeless” gear to save whales—and themselves

    Fishermen, scientists, and conservationists in California are teaming up to prevent more humpback whale deaths due to tapping Dungeness crabs that are used in markets and restaurants. The number of whale entanglements from fishing gear and ropes on the West Coast has increased over the years. A new technology known as “ropeless gear” shows promise, which uses acoustics to retrieve traps off the ocean floor, but the cost of the device and other challenges remain. “It’s a great, great step forwards — particularly from the perspective of the whale,” says an attorney from the Center for Biological Diversity.

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  • Healthy communities: What is 'social prescribing'?

    Social prescribing, where medical practitioners encourage patients to look beyond medicine to remedy their issues, can lessen the demand for medical services and medications. In the UK, Denmark, and Canada, doctors are piloting programs in which healthcare providers can recommend community and social activities to patients. In Canada, for example, the Alliance for Healthier Communities is integrating activities like knitting at its community centers. In Denmark, doctors can present cultural activities to patients suffering from moderate depression.

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  • DHMC's recovery-friendly pediatrics program supports parents struggling with addiction

    For parents recovering from addictions, maintaining care for children can be a challenge, so a hospital in New Hampshire changed how they practice primary care in order to help. Dubbed “recovery-friendly pediatrics," the program helps to connect parents with resources on a regular basis.

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