Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Philippine community that once ate giant clams now works to protect them

    Ecotourism provides an economic alternative to fishing for coastal communities. On the Island Garden City of Samal, in the Philippines, residents have embraced a giant clam nursery and sanctuary, which attracts mariculture tourists. The giant clam sanctuary is a project of the Decor United Fisherfolk Organization (AdUFOr) and Davao del Norte State College. It offers livelihood for residents of the community, especially to seniors who give tours, and also assists in the conservation of giant clam populations.

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  • Kenya tackles youth unemployment with education shift

    Since the passage of a new law in 2013 that called for "closer coordination between academic institutions and industry" in response to a high unemployment rate, Kenya has shifted dramatically from its theory-based higher education approach to coursework that delivers technical education. So far, the initiatives are up against outdated equipment and a negative perception of the program among young people.

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  • Sacramento Drop In Black Child Deaths Holds Lessons for LA

    After launching an initiative aimed at reducing Black infant deaths, Sacramento County's success is now a model for other areas of California looking to make similar changes. Local officials joined with other community advocates and experts to analyze 20 years of data that showed specific disparities. They then created resources to addressing specific issues and empower residents in seven targeted neighborhoods throughout the county.

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  • Vocational training center skills refugee youth in Bidibidi settlement

    YOYO Youth Vocational Training and Recreational Center is a vocational school in Zone 3 of Bidibidi, the largest refugee settlement in the world. The school is a product of a partnership amongst organizations such as UNHCR and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency in order to help refugees obtain additional education and learn skills to be able to sustain themselves one day. Students testify to how the institute has changed their lives.

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  • How To Bring Cancer Care To The World's Poorest Children

    A hospital in Rwanda is expanding access for cancer treatment while also showing that treating children in impoverished areas doesn't have to be expensive. Through partnerships and low labor costs, doctors at the Butaro Cancer Center of Excellence are able to treat children with cancer living in extremely rural areas at a fraction of the cost.

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  • Rural Michigan needs doctors. Paying their debts may be an answer

    A state-funded loan repayment program makes Michigan stand out in a competitive market for doctors and health care professionals. To help reduce the shortfall of healthcare professionals in underserved, rural communities, the Michigan Loan Reimbursement and Employment Solution (MiLES) currently offers student loan repayment in exchange for a multi-year commitment from doctors. The success of the program has generated efforts to expand loan repayment caps and the length of employment commitments for healthcare professionals.

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  • How do you solve the toughest cases of homelessness?

    To combat homelessness, an interdisciplinary group known as the “homeless multidisciplinary street team” is focusing efforts on housing those that call 911 more often than others. Taking lessons from a similar model that failed in Los Angeles, the program so far is showing promising results, both in housing this most vulnerable population as well as in reducing costs for the city.

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  • Rural Hospitals Find Ways to Survive, Expand

    Close collaboration between stakeholders in a community allows rural health centers to remain in operation. With the failure of many rural hospitals across the United States, medical providers, nonprofit organizations, and even city governments are coming together to invest and save institutions crucial to their communities. From placing faltering hospitals under municipal control, to expanding services through nonprofit donations, many rural communities are finding solutions that fit.

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  • Your Local Library May Have A New Offering In Stock: A Resident Social Worker

    Libraries across the United States are expanding what they offer to not just include books, but also a host of social and human services. From stocking an anti-overdose drug to offering mental health services and legal support, libraries are preparing to serve anyone that may walk through the door.

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  • How Southern Communities Tackle Summertime Food Scarcity

    Communities are creating networks to fill in food security gaps for children. In cities like Jackson, Mississippi, and Atlanta, Georgia, community groups, churches, and nonprofits are working to provide summer meals to children who rely on lunch programs during the school year. Closed schools create a barrier to resources for many families that depend on them. Organizations like Feeding America and the Georgia Nutritional Services draw from USDA Summer Food Service Program funding to address the shortfall in summertime support.

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