Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Cleaning New York's filthy harbor with one billion oysters

    Since 2014, the Billion Oyster Project has been working to restore oyster reefs to the New York coasts in an attempt to reduce pollution and bring back marine life. In partnership with restaurants and students throughout the city, the foundation and grant funded project is seeing the return of some oyster reefs and using artificial reefs to support more marine life.

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  • How Tackling Loneliness Offers Hope for Britain's Struggling NHS

    Cross collaboration efforts in Britain are targeting a loneliness problem in order to prevent and mitigate larger health issues. From peer support to interventions, programs across the country are focusing on increasing early-on access to mental health resources, which benefits community members and helps lower health care costs overall.

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  • Benchmarking Racial Inequity in St. Louis

    The collection and analysis of data is a crucial first step in revealing and addressing areas of racial inequality in cities. Using the methodology of a 2015 New York City program designed to study metrics of inequality, the St. Louis Equity Indicators Project has already filled large gaps in data by identifying 72 metrics of inequality in the heavily racially-divided city. Following the recommendations of the Ferguson Commission, the St. Louis’ Equity Indicators provide a baseline by which the city can track efforts to improve racial disparities across issues of health, education, and legal justice.

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  • Reshaping Africa's rural food systems and cutting food losses

    Food loss in sub-Saharan Africa is a common occurrence, due to the unreliability of brokers that sell the farmers produce, but groups throughout the region are fighting against this. From cooling systems that allow produce to last longer to connecting local farmers to work together to negotiate sales, post-harvest food projects are becoming an increasingly common solution.

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  • National report details how Dayton cut overdose deaths in half

    Montgomery County in Ohio cut overdose deaths nearly in half thanks to combined efforts from city officials, local organizations and community members. Among other tactics, the standout solutions was the partnership that formed between East End Community Services and the police department which aimed to "identify individuals in need of services and connect them to treatment."

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  • With search for Alzheimer's drugs failing, tech firms try to offer solutions

    With little progress made on a successful treatment for Alzheimer's and prices for monitored care and medications rising, several technology companies are focusing on better ways to manage care. Through tactics such as virtual reality, robotic animals and facial analyzation, these companies are trying to both better serve the patient as well as support the families.

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  • India's city of Pune focuses on sanitation system of the future

    Public restrooms are not the norm throughout India, making open defecation a well-practiced habit, but in Nune, India, a Toilet Board Coalition is working to change that. From mobile bathrooms to built in sensors that will detect potential disease outbreaks, the city is focusing on rewriting its sanitation history.

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  • How This Southern City Is Making Tech Work for People

    Successful public private collaborations promote civic innovations that add value to communities. Programs that bring together nonprofits, tech start-ups, universities, and city leaders are helping Birmingham, Alabama, emerge as a model city for tech innovation in the region. Initiatives such as Innovate Brigham and the NHabitBham housing database use grants from the city and federal government, and donations from other partners to fund collaborations. While empowering residents by gathering and providing access to data on the wellbeing of Birmingham’s communities, these programs also add value to the city.

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  • Australia tried 3 fixes to take bias out of hiring — here's what worked

    The government of Victoria, Australia partnered with businesses across the state to workshop ways cultural, gender, and other biases could be eliminated in workforce interview processes. By creating anonymous CVs, using non-gendered language, and training employees on unconscious biases, this "Recruit Smarter" plan saw increased employment consideration for women, minorities, and people with disabilities.

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  • Taking action to reduce substance misuse

    Alaska has created a living document to begin tackling the state's addiction epidemic as they attempt to become "more proactive and less reactive." This model of integration has the potential to serve as a model for other states in the nation as government officials work to partner with community members and other organizations in order to build relationships.

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