Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Helsinki Arrived at the Future of Urban Travel First

    Finland is at the forefront of conceptualizing mobility as a service. In Helsinki, citizens are getting rid of their cars and using Whim instead. The app gives users unlimited access to all transport options (bus, train, bike, taxi, and car) for a single monthly subscription.

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  • Tiny Homes Are Baby Steps Toward Reversing the Housing Crisis

    Tiny homes, proposed across the world as a solution to housing problems, come in many forms. Baltimore is trying its own model. A creative partnership under the non-profit Civic Works is connecting people who want affordable homes with youth who want to learn construction skills and get their GED. Though still in the prototype stage, this project will show the potential for collaboration between non-profit groups, developers, and the local government.

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  • Halting Violence In The Heartland

    A nonprofit in Omaha focuses on hospitals for its gang intervention work, making contact with gang members or potential gang members who have been injured through violence and may be ready to make a change in their lives. YouTurn connects them to services like housing, education and job programs and acts as a bridge between families, police and doctors. It also works to prevent violence that might occur in hospitals through revenge or retaliation by rival gangs.

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  • Bail reforms moving slowly in Missouri

    Under a large grant St. Louis County is working to reduce jail confinements in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting, following several national models. There is also progress toward reducing fines and fees for small issues, with a focus on addressing racial disparities in arrests. But the efforts face challenges that include thousands of outstanding warrants under the old system and a shortage of public defenders.

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  • California slashes emissions, hits major greenhouse gas goal years early

    Due in large part to the expanded use of renewable energy and decreased use of natural gas, California was able to cut greenhouse gas emissions significantly and ahead of their scheduled goal.

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  • The cashless taxi system that's reducing Rwanda's traffic accidents

    To combat traffic accidents in Rwanda, developed a cashless motorcycle taxi system. The system leverages technology to create a cashless system—and regulate speed. Competition in the moto-taxi sector induces many drivers to exceed the speed limit, but this system enforces safe driving by reporting speeding to local police.

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  • How to Stop Human Trafficking, Through the Eyes of a Trucker

    Truckers are ideally placed to spot and report sex trafficking. “They’ve been trained to be vigilant and they’re on the city streets, pulling into areas and being put up in hotels where this happens,” says Kylla Lanier, deputy director for Truckers Against Trafficking.

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  • Digitally Explore Thousands of Artifacts Excavated from an Amsterdam Canal

    Rather than museum worthy, beautiful crafted artworks made to stand the test of time, the Below the Surface exhibition and website displays the hundreds of years of detritus pulled from an Amsterdam construction site. The website allows visitors to interact with these objects and explore the changes in tools, usage, and culture over Amsterdam’s history.

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  • Chance for Discovery and Preparation

    Algas Organics, a biotech company in St. Lucia, is collecting sargassum seaweed and is turning it into fertilizer that is used in other parts of the Caribbean and North America. While sargassum can be beneficial to an ocean’s ecosystem, an overabundance of the seaweed has affected tourism and fishing in the region. While the company is making a dent in the seaweed cleanup, pairing their efforts with the government could make more of an impact.

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  • Two years after Philando Castile's death, programs aim to transform relations between police, residents

    Drivers in a suburb of St. Paul, Minn., who have equipment issues with their cars may get coupons to help them fix the problems at repair shops rather than a ticket. The Lights On program was created by a nonprofit after the shooting death of Philando Castile by a police officer during a traffic stop over a broken tail light in a nearby town. Twenty participating police departments around the Twin Cities are participating and the program expanded to Iowa, with plans for additional locales.

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