Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Police in Illinois Are Helping Substance Abusers Get Into Rehab Instead of Arresting Them

    Dixon is the second police department in the United States to stop jailing drug addicts and start helping them check into rehab centers instead. “We’re changing the way law enforcement views addiction — to see it as a disease, not a crime,” says Police Detective Jeff Ragan. At least 267 people have gone through the Safe Passage program so far, some multiple times, but the program seems to be working. Residential burglaries, retail thefts, and drug arrests have dropped.

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  • A High-Paying Job? Go to App Boot Camp.

    Coding positions can provide a stable job with a middle class salary, however—due to a lack of opportunities, the cost of education, and the culture at tech companies—women and especially women of color have a difficult time obtaining these jobs. A series of initiatives are addressing this issue, providing comprehensive training, job placement, and affordable ways to pay for education.

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  • How dance improves the lives of those with Parkinson's disease

    A collaboration between a Parkinson’s disease support group and a New York City dance company created a program of movement for people managing the disease. Besides an improvement in physical mobility, participation also gave people an increase in self-esteem and cognitive function.

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  • Scientists accidentally created an enzyme that eats plastic and it could be the answer to our waste crisis

    Plastic is a leading cause of much of the world's pollution problem. But thanks to a discovery in a Japanese recycling center, scientists believe they may have identified a substance that can drastically reduce the amount.

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  • A vocational school curriculum that includes genocide studies and British literature

    Essex Technical is one of a growing number of high schools that has shifted from offering vocational classes to promoting "career and technical education" (CTE) courses. Essex's split schedule allows students to alternate between highly relevant skills classes and rigorous college preparation work. “There are a lot of different life paths that can get them [students] there,” an Essex staff member explained. “Our job is to help our students figure out what might be possible.”

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  • How One Country Is Restoring Its Damaged Ocean

    Belize, cited by Darwin as home to “the most remarkable reef in the West Indies," recently became the first country to issue a moratorium on all offshore oil exploration and drilling in order to protect the reef and the species that rely on it.

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  • Apple Now Runs On 100% Green Energy, And Here's How It Got There

    In 2014, Apple reached a milestone by turning their Nevada data center into a 100 percent renewable energy-powered structure thanks to the implementation of solar farms. Just four years later, the company has just reached another milestone - all of its facilities are powered by renewable energy. This step is all part of their efforts to spearhead a focus on environmental initiatives in the tech industry.

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  • After hurricane Maria, he's helping the ocean – and its fishers – recover

    Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico communities, land and the local coasts. With many relying on fishing as a significant source of income, fishermen have been suffering since with polluted waters and a diminished fish population. One local man is taking a stance by working with community fishermen to utilize their skills to clean up the coastal waters through incentivizing results.

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  • Community groups help Colorado counties participate in Superfund process

    When lead and arsenic levels threatened the communities in Southeastern Colorado, the Environmental Protection Agency was asked to step in. In order to have a seat at the table when decisions were being made, community members in the city of Pueblo created a Community Advisory Group. This allowed them to not only increase their understanding of possible decisions, but also offer feedback. It has also offered a model for surrounding communities that are facing similar situations.

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  • In rural New Mexico, a way to make remote work, work

    One of the biggest economic challenges facing small rural towns is the lack of nearby jobs. To tackle this, SoloWorks is providing a physical space and internet access to connect rural New Mexico residents to remote jobs. The government only funds the program if it is successful, so the organization is incentivized to make progress. The success of this program will affect whether it spreads to other towns.

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