Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Cooperating to make a difference

    The Alternative Education Association provides students with more individualized, dynamic educational opportunities, combatting the disappointment with the current education system. Since forming, the Association has established a preschool, kindergarten, and primary school for young students in the area.

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  • ResQZone

    An e-waste recycling program in Minnesota aims to take old computers that normally end up in a landfill and give them to community members with income-based needs. Since the ResQZone initiative started as a partnership between a nonprofit and the county government, they’ve been able to get 420 computer systems back into public use. They also hire and train people with disabilities to do the refurbishing.

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  • Through Crowdfunding, An Initiative Helps Communities Access Clean Water

    Through the #BuildAWell project, the Water the Needy Foundation uses crowdfunding to build wells, boreholes, and manual hand pumps in Nigerian communities without consistent access to clean water. The organization has worked with more than 400 communities since 2017 and contracts with local workers to encourage a sense of community responsibility for the projects and ensure ongoing maintenance of the wells.

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  • What a Brazilian state can teach the world about education

    By implementing evidence-based practices such as school consolidation, citywide proficiency tests, teacher bonuses, standardized lessons plans, and monthly professional development, the Brazilian city of Sobral went from one of the country's lowest-performing school systems in the 1990s to receiving the highest math and literacy scores in 2015. Since adopting similar policies, other school systems in the state of Ceará have seen improvements, claiming 12 of the top 20 spots for primary school performance in Brazil in 2019.

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  • No Longer ‘Under the Radar,' Louisiana Black Fathers Group Looks to Expand ‘Dads on Duty' as a National Response to School Crime

    Dads on Duty is a group of roughly 40 fathers who routinely spend time at a Shreveport, La. high school to connect with students one-on-one and steer them away from gang culture. The school has not had any large fights since the dads began visiting, and their success has been partially attributed to the fact that several of the group's members were already involved in the school community and building relationships with students.

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  • The priests navigating Colombia's conflict zones

    Shielded by cultural deference to the Catholic church, Colombian clergy venture into conflict zones to document the clashes, provide aid, and mediate disputes between civilians and armed guerrilla groups. Their efforts have helped response organizations access difficult-to-reach areas and drawn renewed attention to the crises.

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  • These Philadelphians Created an App to Prevent Gun Violence

    Philly Truce is a mobile app that lets people in crisis ask for help from volunteer conflict mediators without involving the police. The app connects people to social services and to volunteers who can help ensure that a personal conflict does not turn violent. Two Philadelphia men with a modest investment launched the app in May 2021. Hundreds already have used it to de-escalate disputes or to volunteer to join the effort to reduce violence. The founders hope to expand the project to other cities.

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  • How single mothers in the remote areas of Kibuku district have been Financial empowered through Mushroom growing

    A church in Uganda teaches single mothers and widows to grow mushrooms to increase their household incomes. They keep the mushrooms to use at home, sell them outright, and use them to create other food products like biscuits and soup powder to sell.

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  • Philadelphia is fighting street violence through hospital and doctor visits

    Healing Hurt People helps the survivors of gun violence and other assaults starting bedside in hospitals and continuing during a patient's recovery. The group, partnering with other services providers, treats mental trauma with cognitive therapies led by peer counselors – people with the street credibility that earns trust among the young people who are the target of these services. When people better understand their experience, they can learn from it and find safer, healthier ways to live.

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  • Building a Black-Owned Food Ecosystem in Detroit

    Programs like Motor City Match and Grown in Detroit help entrepreneurs launch Black-owned food businesses in Detroit. The businesses sell healthy foods in neighborhoods often lacking in nutritious options or in the infrastructure needed to support startup businesses. The supportive programs offer grants and training that have nurtured dozens of new businesses, which themselves have formed a supportive network among their peers.

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