Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Who's leading Covid-19 outreach among the homeless? The homeless themselves.

    In the Tenderloin district of San Francisco, local community members are leading the effort to reach out to those experiencing homelessness during the coronavirus pandemic. This effort has been successful in coordinating and distributing testing that is accessible to the population. As the director of the UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations explains, “any public health response that does not center the voices of people who have lived the experience of homelessness is going to come up with the wrong solution.”

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  • The army of women saving India's storks

    After a conservation biologist noticed that the number of birds in her Indian village dwindled over the years, she knew she had to take action. Purnima Devi Barman started to help educate her community about the historical significance and importance of the greater adjutant storks, and formed the “Hargila Army,” a volunteer crew of 400 women who help protect the birds. Thanks to their efforts over the last 13 years, they’ve been able to increase the endangered species’ numbers from just 27 in to more than 210.

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  • Speaking their language: How NOLA advocates connected Spanish speakers to healthcare during the pandemic

    The coronavirus pandemic has caused many healthcare practice to move to a virtual space, but for Spanish-speaking communities, telehealth wasn't a solution on its own. In New Orleans, interpreters, doctors, and patients are working together to coordinate care at one clinic, while another clinic has used personalized text messages in Spanish to stay in communicaiton with patients.

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  • Paraisópolis and Its “Street presidents”

    Lacking assistance from the government during the coronavirus pandemic, residents in one of the largest favelas in Sao Paulo, Brazil organized to raise funds and launch a series of initiatives to protect their community. Although not all were supportive of the efforts – which included residents acting as neighborhood monitors and using two schools as quarantine shelters – the community has been able to reduce transmission and keep the case count manageable.

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  • Meet Philadelphia's First “Community-Supported Fishery”

    A community-based seafood program called Fiishadelphia is the first community supported fishery run by high-school students in the city. They offer locally harvested and affordable seafood to a diverse customer base with an emphasis on accessibility for those experiencing economic hardship. The major cost is the distribution, delivery, and operation of the program, but so far, they have purchased 5,000 pounds of various types of fish and 25,000 pounds of shellfish and have connected community members directly to the suppliers.

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  • Behind prison walls, cats and inmates rehabilitate each other through animal care program

    In Indiana's maximum-security Pendleton Correctional Facility, the FORWARD program (Felines and Offenders Rehabilitation With Affection, Reformation and Dedication) puts incarcerated men in charge of caring for cats rescued from abuse or the streets while the cats await adoption. The men learn job skills and can feel empathy for a dependent animal, which research has shown can improve behavior both inside prison and afterward. The caregivers say their job gives them purpose and greater self-esteem. About 20 have been hired after prison by Indiana's Animal Protection League, which helps run the program.

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  • Hydroponics farming could help reduce Nigeria's spiraling youth unemployment rate

    By using an agricultural technique that doesn’t use soil to grow crops, a farmer is upending the traditional farming practices in Nigeria and offering job opportunities to those who might otherwise be unemployed. Hydroponics farming is a type of horticulture that grows plants without soil by using mineral nutrient solutions. BIC Farms utilizes the method, which can reduce crop water consumption, and has trained more than 12,000 people on the soilless farming technique. Hydroponics can also help farmers reduce food waste and post-harvest losses.

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  • Prescribed Burn Associations Are One Answer to California's Megafires

    Prescribed burns are fires set intentionally to reduce the fuel that can make wildfires so large and damaging. Despite the science favoring this approach for healthy ecosystems and fire prevention, government use of the strategy has remained small and stagnant. Local prescribed burn associations (PBAs) have filled some of the gap, educating and training landowners to conduct small-scale burns. PBAs cannot come close to filling the entire need. But they have prevented some disasters while returning fire management to local control, and to ancient native practices before fire suppression became the norm.

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  • San Francisco Doula Program Tackles Birth Equity and Economic Justice in One Fell Swoop

    A doula program in San Francisco is helping to create jobs and build equity in maternal health, especially for Black mothers. Training is free for the client as well as for the doulas, with trainees also receiving mentorship and full benefits. To date, the organization has raised nearly $1 million for operational expenses from a variety of channels including "foundations, a city-managed health plan, and revenue from a local sugary drinks tax."

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  • Ex-logger leads firefighters defending Indonesia's peatlands

    An Indonesian government program called Masyarakat Peduli Api, or “Fire Care Community,” aims to improve community responses to wildfires and restore peatlands — valuable ecosystems that store carbon. Through community engagement and education, this volunteer fire brigade patrols the peatlands and addresses small fires before they spread. The program remains underfunded, but residents recognize the importance of their work.

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