Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • WV school buses delivering meals after coronavirus threat shuttered all schools

    Schools have closed across the nation to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, but that's left many students without access to meals. To address this, Kanawha County has started to use school buses to transport meals to students, both offering reliable access to meals and eliminating the possibility of spreading the virus by reducing the need for children to stand in lines to receive the meals.

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  • Here comes the sun canoe, as Amazonians take on Big Oil

    The Kara Solar Foundation is looking to connect indigenous communities in Achuar territory in Ecuador to learn about solar power as an alternative to oil. By building solar-powered canoes, they can replace vessels that burn fossil fuels into the atmosphere. While the two boats in operation have run into technical problems, the intercultural training programs are instructing Achuar people on how to fix the technology. “Sustained and truly intercultural collaborations can create technological solutions that serve indigenous communities, rather than destroying them,” says Oliver Utne, the foundation's founder.

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  • The Surprising Way Durham Distillery is Helping Fight Coronavirus

    As restaurants look at a myriad of ways to enhance the cleanliness of their businesses in light of the coronavirus pandemic, a distillery in North Carolina chose to shift their focus from gin-making to making and distributing hand sanitizer. The owners of the distillery are also training neighboring businesses "how to use the solution responsibly," and then donating bottles of the sanitizer after they complete the session.

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  • Energy efficient homes mean less air pollution. But are they affordable?

    To reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change and air pollution, Habitat for Humanity Salt Lake Valley is building airtight homes that will also reduce energy costs and be affordable for people experiencing economic hardship. The home are largely being built by volunteers, so the process has been slow and there have been mistakes in building the homes. However, the homes are estimated to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 4.9 tons a year.

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  • When a Medical Diagnosis is Complex, A Navigator Who Looks Like the Patient Can Make All the Difference

    Patient navigation, which uses community members as health care informants, is helping to break down social and cultural barriers to accessing care in a community in North Carolina. The navigators are "population-focused," meaning they work in the communities they are passionate about and can relate to in order "to provide culturally appropriate assistance." Since the implementation of the program, doctors at Wake Forest Baptist Health Comprehensive Cancer Center have reported that more patients are seeking care proactively.

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  • This rag-tag group of DIYers has an answer for rural PA's internet problem

    The Rural Broadband Cooperative took matters into its own hands after local and state politicians failed to provide high-speed internet for their rural Pennsylvania county. Telecommunications companies did not consider Huntingdon County a priority so community members who include carpenters, welders, and crane operators all came together to find a solution for a problem that affected everyone from children to business owners and realized all they needed was a radio tower on a mountaintop. The group built and installed it themselves, spending only $50,000 and providing internet for 1,000 locals.

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  • Teaching Children How to Reverse an Overdose

    In Carter County, Tennessee, where an opioid crisis is underway, elementary-aged children and teenagers are being taught how to administer the overdose reversal nasal spray, Narcan. Although this strategy has faced opposition from some local residents, at least 100 students have administered the life-saving treatment.

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  • Gotta catch 'em all: Pokemon-style app aims to save Indonesia's forests

    A Pokemon Go-style app encourages residents in Indonesia to help map land to fight deforestation. The technology offers visitors of umapped areas surveys that they complete, which fills in the data, and motivates users with gamified statuses from “volunteer” to “warrior.” Now over 600 students across the country have participated in this application, and several international environmental organizations have supported its use.

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  • “Solo quiero más para ellos”: Nuevo programa tiene como objetivo impulsar la movilidad económica de las familias

    Un programa de Charlotte Housing Authority usa cupones para trasladar a familias de bajos ingresos a viviendas en áreas con mayor oportunidades, con escuelas de mayor rendimiento, tasas de delincuencia más bajas, además de mayor acceso a transporte y servicios. Aunque ha tenido éxito, el programa se beneficiaría de más fondos y viviendas aceptables.

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  • Making a home for fish in the desert takes a little help – and a lot of PVC

    Volunteers in Arizona are building plastic cube structures to create a fish habitat in some of the state’s lakes. Since many of the lakes are in the desert, the shoreline is often not very hospitable for fish. These “fish cities,” made out of PVC pipe, plastic tubes, and glue, create an ecosystem in the lake. The Arizona Game & Fish Department dropped 500 cubes in Bartlett Lake and received positive feedback from anglers. They would like to implement the cubes in other lakes, but the project has been suspended because of limited funds.

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