Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses

    Around the world, a new way of teaching and learning is gaining traction – and seeing results. Rooted in educational theory from the likes of Socrates, Piaget, and Montessori, this method is led by students’ curiosity and ability to learn and grow independently; essentially, the students control their own learning. Such methods make success more attainable in places like Matamoros, Mexico, who has seen exceptional improvement from students who experience learning this way.

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  • Kitchen of Champions cooks up success in Oakland

    Disadvantaged individuals can often have difficulty finding employment due to lack of job training and references. A free 12-week program offers intensive culinary training at St. Vincent de Paul kitchen along with other job-training lessons for these individuals and those looking for employment.

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  • Mentoring Students to Prevent the ‘Summer Slide'

    Many students doing poorly in school are not doing poorly enough to go to city-mandated summer school - yet they will likely fall further behind their peers during the summer. A summer school program in New York City is having success with these kids – employing 11-year-olds as teachers.

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  • When entrepreneurship is only way forward

    Development work is evolving beyond short-term mission trips and one-off donations into a more comprehensive, in-depth model that addresses long-term sustainability of a solution paired with empowerment of those being served. MicroConsignment is a unique branch of micro-enterprise being implemented by non-profit SolCom in Guatemala that provides individuals in rural villages the skills and resources needed to start sustainable businesses.

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  • Africa's New Agents of Progress in Female Health: Traditional Male Chiefs

    Some groups are making strides at ending child marriage and female genital mutilation, practices that are common and yet dangerous. They're doing so by reaching out to the men in charge.

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  • Out of India's Trash Heaps, More Than a Shred of Dignity

    Throughout India, wastepickers – people who scour landfills for garbage they can sell to recyclers – live at the bottom of society. But the city of Pune did something radical: with the help of a collective, they did away with expensive garbage trucks, and now all household garbage is collected by wastepickers with pushcarts. Pune saves millions of dollars each year and recycles more – and the wastepickers have decent wages and social standing. The concept is now spreading globally.

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  • Therapy for Rape Victims Shows Promise

    In Democratic Republic of Congo, rape has become a routine weapon of war - but the country has little or no treatment for those with mental health issues resulting from sexual assault. A method of group therapy designed for victims of trauma is helping survivors of sexual violence, enabling women to overcome the fear and shame to rebuild some semblance of normalcy, and a path forward.

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  • A Team Approach to Get Students College Ready

    Blue Engine, which places recent college grads as full-time teaching assistants in New York City public schools, is helping poor students thrive in college. They focus on small teacher-student ratios, frequent feedback for teachers, and a concentration on 'gateway' courses associated with success in college.

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  • Where Private School Is Not a Privilege

    Bangladesh schools had very low attendance because children were kept home to work and conditions were unsafe for girls, ethnic minorities, and those with disabilities. BRAC, one of the world's largest and most comprehensive NGOs, has built new schools addressing all the reasons, at home and school, that were preventing children from attending.

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  • In One Simple Tool, Hope for H.I.V. Prevention

    PrePex, a new nonsurgical circumcision tool, could revolutionize the prevention of H.I.V. and AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. Cheap and easy to assemble, the device has proven successful in several randomized trials.

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