Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Queering Climate Activism

    Queer activists and organizers are centering their identity in the environmental justice movement. They form part of a growing movement that doesn't exclude their queer identity in the fight against climate change. Some examples of this work include "Queer Nature," a community where queer people can reconnect with nature. Another example is the "Queer Ecojustice Project," which addresses how queer perspectives were ignored by the environmental movement. This article presents several other examples of the intersection of queer identity with the environmental movement.

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  • Another Challenge for Conservation Efforts: Gender Inequity

    In the environmental sector there is still rampant sexism, women find it difficult to enter leadership positions and face discrimination, according to a six-author study. However, the study also shows that when women are in leadership positions factors that indicate success go up. Women are more likely to say yes to new conservation projects and are more willing to compromise. Case studies from the Maite Marine Sanctuary to the Coastal Conservation and Education Foundation show that women in leadership positions are succesful.

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  • Meet the amazing people rewriting the narrative about LGBTQ youth homelessness

    The Ali Forney Center is the largest of several organizations across the country serving LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness. It has seventeen sites and serves about 2,000 young people a year, nearly half of whom come from out of state. In addition to setting people up with stable housing, the drop-in center serves daily meals and offers showers and laundry. Advocacy programs and case managers help the youth find permanent jobs, further their education, or put funds aside to secure stable long-term housing. They also offer counseling services, support groups, and temporary employment for many young people.

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  • For Afghan arrivals, a taste of the US at an air base in Germany

    Afghan refugees fleeing the Taliban were given a warm welcome at the American Air Base in Germany despite logistical challenges. The new arrivals have stepped up to help one another with everything from teaching to haircuts.

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  • How single mothers in the remote areas of Kibuku district have been Financial empowered through Mushroom growing

    A church in Uganda teaches single mothers and widows to grow mushrooms to increase their household incomes. They keep the mushrooms to use at home, sell them outright, and use them to create other food products like biscuits and soup powder to sell.

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  • How a Cincinnati domestic violence survivor got the help she needed to break the cycle

    Dvert is a partnership between Cincinnati police and Women Helping Women, a social services agency that puts domestic-violence survivors in touch with an advocate from the moment they report abuse. Advocates can provide for survivors' immediate needs, including childcare and safe shelter. They provide counseling and support to survivors throughout the prosecution of a case, should the survivor choose to pursue that remedy. More women have found the strength to pursue prosecutions, which advocates hope will ultimately keep more women safer than if they drop a complaint and reconcile with an abusive partner.

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  • Medication and Recovery: Doctors Say Access to Critical Addiction Care is Difficult in Appalachia

    The Health Wagon provides medical care to those experiencing addiction. The Health Wagon also provides services for those in recovery, including medications, counseling, and peer support groups in an effort to reduce relapses and overdose deaths which have skyrocketed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  • Planting a Life—and a Future—After Prison at Benevolence Farm

    Benevolence Farm hosts a small number of formerly incarcerated women as live-in laborers growing herbs that end up in body-care products. The farming experience teaches marketable skills, as the women learn the finer points of horticulture. It also provides outdoor, hands-on experiences that are therapeutic to women after they spent months or years locked up in a sterile prison. The rural location poses some challenges, but the dozens of women who have spent 12-18 months living and working there have shown much lower-than-average rates of recidivism.

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  • How one woman shed $350,000 in student loans — without a lawyer

    People who cannot afford their student loan payments are filing discharges themselves and proving to the court why paying back the loans would create undue hardship to have their loans forgiven.

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  • Nigeria's quest to help 2.6 million sickle cell patients

    Doctors and nurses with the Sickle Cell Foundation Nigeria provide free specialized care to over 5,000 people at a local hospital. An annual CT scan monitors patients' risk of stroke, with those who are high-risk getting one every three months. The CT scans are provided at a highly subsidized cost because the machine was donated to the hospital. Patients with leg ulcers, a common ailment, are treated three times a week and given free supplies to clean wounds at home. The foundation does outreach to rural areas, where they have provided education, genetic counseling, and medical services to over 8,000 people.

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