Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How a Seattle Neighborhood Confronted Food Insecurity in the Pandemic

    In the South Park neighborhood of Seattle, community efforts during the coronavirus pandemic have resulted in the creation of a system that battles food insecurity. Spearheaded by the community center, a local non-profit, and a local restaurant, the community has built and expanded a kind of coordinated mutual aid that helps residents maintain access to hot meals and pantry items.

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  • When ‘om' can help you take care of Mom: Meditation, mindfulness useful tools for many caregivers

    Mindfulness and meditation practices have been shown to reduce stress and neurological biomarkers of aging while also improving an individual's mood, resilience, and cognitive performance. To help connect caregivers to these practices, some programs are now offering classes at community centers.

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  • What one county agency is doing to keep its employees whole

    To help address burnout for child welfare workers in Knox County, Ohio, Knox County Job & Family Services has launched a two-pronged approach that aims to offer wellbeing services to employees. Although the Covid pandemic impeded the rollout of these self-care services and resources, feedback has been positive.

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  • ‘Somebody cares': How schools are helping with student well-being

    To combat the mental health impacts of pandemic-era remote and hybrid learning, Palmer Middle School in Georgia established a grief-support group, a "stress busters" group, a book club, and a series of virtual lunch sessions with games and music to help students make connections and learn coping skills. More than 90% of students reported decreased stress levels after participating in the stress busters program, and their school attendance records also improved.

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  • For Rohingya Survivors, Art Bears Witness

    Artolution provides art education and supplies to Rohingya Survivors in Bangladesh refugee camps, all of whom experienced severe trauma, to create life-affirming and informative murals. Topics range from safe hygiene practices to the dangers of domestic violence. The group trains artists to become muralists and teachers and pays them an annual stipend. The murals help artists heal, provide important public health information to the community, and amplify the cultural traditions they had to hide for so long. The nearly 200 murals are on almost all surfaces of the refugee camp from latrines to “monsoon walls.”

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  • Rescuers take advantage of mental health services during tragic year

    First responders who face devastating emergency response outcomes in Wyoming are finding support through the Teton Interagency Peer Support group. The group anonymously connects the first responders with trauma-informed counselors – so far, 135 people have utilized the service.

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  • Community Health Program Changing Health Narrative in Rural Areas

    In Kenya's Siaya County, community-selected individuals known as nyamrerwa are trained "to address healthcare issues of individuals and communities in their respective localities." The initiative is part of a larger strategy that is helping to localize care and empower community members to "take control and responsibility of their own health achievement efforts."

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  • Nigeria is using radio to provide support for SGBV survivors

    To combat high rates of sexual and gender-based violence in Nigeria, the Spotlight Initiative supports several organizations providing counseling and educational services to victims and to women and girls at risk of abuse. One program from the NEEM Foundation countered the pandemic shutdown by distributing transistor radios to continue its classes for women. Another, Save the Child Initiative, intervened in a child rape case that local authorities ignored, convincing national police to arrest the attacker and providing counseling to the victim and her mother.

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  • Balancing climate, culture, and community: Fiji's relocation challenge

    After a river in Fiji continued to flood, an entire village relocated uphill 2 kilometers away. About two-thirds of the residents participated in this voluntary relocation, which proved effective when a strong cyclone hit the island. Government policies are making it easier for villages to relocate due to climate change; in fact, four have done so already. Balancing the people’s cultural connection to the land and the need to move can be tricky, but as people continue to be displaced, their responses could help inform other coastal communities around the world.

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  • How Giant Batteries Are Protecting The Most Vulnerable In Blackouts

    States are creating microgrids with the use of large batteries and solar panels in an effort to fortify their utilities infrastructure against extreme weather. Such investments enable communities to prevent prolonged blackouts and therefore stay safe during storms, wildfires, extreme cold, and whatever else climate change might cause in the future.

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