Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Experiments in Coexistence

    Conflict prevention specialists for USDA Wildlife Services in southwest Oregon work with livestock producers to deter the local wolf pack from killing livestock. The specialists patrol overnight, making noise so that the wolves know they are there and stay away. They also set up scare boxes and deploy fox lights, which emit random patters of light, to make it seem like there are more people covering larger areas. If inspectors determine livestock was killed by a wolf, the rancher receives compensation. Funding has been secured to deploy conflict prevention specialists in up to 12 additional states.

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  • Hurricane Sandy battered NYC 8 years ago. Since then, how has the city shored up against future superstorms? Oyster castles.

    As a way to soften the impacts of a future storm, an artificial oyster reef was installed in New York City. This green infrastructure can absorb the shock of waves and decrease the amount of flooding, as well as build up the shore over time effectively reversing erosion. Environmentalists argue that this type of barrier is more cost-effective than traditional seawalls and will adapt to sea level changes over time.

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  • In Photos: Everyday resilience in a Lesvos refugee camp

    A photo essay captures the resiliency of refugees in the infamously derelict camp on the Greek island of Lesvos. The residents of the camp have worked together to provide alternate meals, classes, and activities even amid dire circumstances.

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  • Everyday resilience in a Lesvos refugee camp

    People living in the Kara Tepe refugee camp find creative ways to withstand the oftentimes inhumane conditions. To supplement insufficient food rations, volunteers bake and distribute up to 400 pieces of bread a day while others fish to provide their own food. The NGO Yoga & Sport for Refugees organizes swimming, running, and team sports to provide mental health outlets. Residents also organize non-formal educational activities because no formal schooling is provided for camp residents. The Instagram account Now You See Me Moria publishes photos taken by camp residents to raise awareness of these issues.

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  • Egypt's #MeToo Activists See Progress, but ‘the Road Ahead Is Long'

    A growing #MeToo movement brought sexual assault into national dialogues, even in remote governorates, and has led to arrests and legal reforms, such as allowing sexual assault victims and witnesses to remain anonymous. The current wave was started by a student who used Instagram to expose a fellow student as a perpetrator. Many women shared their stories of assault, and within days he was arrested and is standing trial. This encouraged more women to share their stories, with high-profile celebrities and influencers, including religious authorities, speaking out in support of women.

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  • 'A mindset for survival': how to help small businesses survive Covid-19

    Small businesses in the global South were able to survive the past year of COVID-19 and the domino effect it had on the business community with the help of enterprise support organizations. In addition to financial help, organizations like TechnoServe provided help with operations, business planning, reworking disrupted supply chains, pivoting to new business plans and markets, as well as HR management. The organizations drew from lessons learned in previous times of economic uncertainty to help entrepreneurs become resilient.

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  • How locals are helping refugees navigate Hamburg's crowded housing market

    The Wohnbrücke Hamburg project, which translates to “housing bridge,” helps refugees in their search for affordable housing in Hamburg, Germany. The complicated process is made harder due to language and cultural barrier in addition to xenophobia. The Wohnbrücke Hamburg project mediates between refugees and landlords and has successfully helped 785 households secure their living arrangements.

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  • The child trafficking survivors training to prosecute sex crimes

    The School for Justice provides an education in law or advocacy to young women who have survived sex trafficking. The program started in Kolkata in 2017 and has expanded to Mumbai and Katmandu. Forty students receive housing, counseling, and free tuition to the local university of their choice, where they can study to be lawyers, paralegals, social workers, police officers, or journalists. The goal is to equip them with the tools they need to protect others from child sexual exploitation and to bring perpetrators to justice. Along the way, they begin to heal through empowerment and peer support.

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  • Saving Slovenia's "Human Fish"

    Scientists in Slovenia are working to understand the mysteries of salamanders — known as olms — that live in natural caves and how best to protect this vulnerable species. Industrial pollution infiltrates the water systems where these creatures live, however more research is needed to understand how climate change and humans impact them. Recent efforts with captive breeding and rescue programs have shown success, but more international collaboration and funding are needed to fully understand this unique species.

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  • Street medic crew forms out of BLM protests in metro Phoenix

    As protests spread across the country in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, some protesters saw the need for street medics to tend to injured protestors. They formed Desert Action Medical Network and remained on the sidelines to administer medical attention at over 80 protests in Phoenix. The medics packed backpacks full of supplies to treat wounds from tear gas, rubber bullets, and pepper spray projectiles, and treated protestors when violence broke out. “Somehow medicine just became the best use of our skills for this movement.”

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