Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Collective Farm Helping Oregon's Latinx Farmworkers Weather the Pandemic

    The Raíces Cooperative Farm in Hood River, Oregon provides Spanish-speaking community members "a place to grow food," learn from one another about farming practices and develop leadership skills. “Through Raíces, I began to learn better cultivation techniques. [We are shown] how to care for the soil, plants, and seeds, and the program provides economic support" one member explained. During the coronavirus pandemic, the cooperative has also been integral to supplying food for mobile markets.

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  • Hard-Knocks Restaurant Workers Are Embracing Mental Wellness

    An initiative being piloted in the Sacramento hospitality industry aims to decrease the stigma restaurant workers face when talking about mental health concerns with their peers. This peer-to-peer mental health support program encourages workers to disclose how they are feeling to a fellow team member who has been trained in mental health counseling. Restaurant owners have reported that this program has positively changed the culture and 22 percent of those who work at a restaurant where the initiative has been piloted have reported that they have utilized the service.

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  • Rural Black Women Turn To Each Other, Mutual Aid And Activism To Survive COVID-19

    Across Mississippi and Georgia, mutual aid groups have formed and existing groups have expanded to address increased racial inequities in the health care system during the coronavirus pandemic. Several of the groups are specifically focusing on food insecurity and access to basic needs, while others are raising money for personal protective equipment.

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  • Minority US contact tracers build trust in diverse cities

    A contact tracing program jointly launched by San Diego State University and San Diego County is helping to combat misinformation and dispel fears for immigrants, refugees, and minorities in San Diego by employing ethnically and racially diverse community members. The contact tracers help those who need to quarantine devise a plan to do so safely, while also acting as community health care workers to help those families get the necessities they need.

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  • Music class during coronavirus: How the band plays on

    In Canada "hands-on, in-person music classes" have been approved as acceptable to hold during the coronavirus pandemic, but the safety precautions have made it difficult to achieve an ideal outcome. Rather than continue to hold classes this way, teachers are finding creative ways to address the barriers such as combining in-person lessons with at-home performances.

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  • Calling home: Sheltering in hotels to escape coronavirus, Acadiana's homeless got back on their feet

    In southwestern Louisiana, the Acadiana Regional Coalition on Homelessness and Housing wrangled 19 hotels into a makeshift network during the pandemic to house people experiencing homelessness. With help from Beacon Community Connections' counselors, the 456 people who entered the program found the stability and services they needed to connect with government benefits and, in some cases, find jobs. The program's Housing First approach, to admit the chronically unhoused without preconditions like sobriety, creates disciplinary challenges but put many on a path to a better life.

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  • Terapie z obýváku: Řešení v době, kdy úzkostí přibývá

    Psychologové a terapeuti museli v průběhu koronavirové pandemie omezit či zcela přerušit své služby. Část z nich se proto přesunula do online prostoru nebo zavedla krizové linky, aby svým klientům v případě potřeby nabídla alternativu. Terapie na dálku umožnila flexibilnější a bezpečné setkávání se s terapeutem i v době nepříznivé epidemiologické situace. U řady lidí pomohla překonat pocit stigmatu, kterému čelí, když jdou na terapii osobně. Přes řadu nesporných pozitiv zůstává celá aspektů nové služby nedořešena. V době covidu službu hradily zdravotní pojišťovny, ale šlo jen o dočasné řešení.

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  • They lost their brothers to addiction. Now they're tackling deadly stigmas head on, with humor

    Two women who lost their brothers to heroin overdoses launched the podcast "Last Day" to address death – by drugs and, in season two, by suicide – with a mix of humor, unsettling candor, and conventional-wisdom-busting storytelling. At first a modest startup, their production company now employs 17, topped the podcast charts with almost 4 million downloads, and has rolled out other programs on such topics as body image, bullying, the pandemic, policing, and loneliness. Many of the topics were proposed by listeners to "Last Day," who wanted their problems or questions to get the same treatment.

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  • Could a Simple Intervention Fight a Suicide Crisis?

    In the 1960s, a psychologist and a team of researchers in San Francisco began sending “caring letters" as a means of suicide intervention, but the practice didn't continue outside of the research study, despite showing positive results. Today though, a clinical psychologist has begun to reintroduce the intervention, via text messages and emails, as a practice to specifically help U.S. service members and veterans.

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  • Fruits of shared labour: the Indian women joining forces for food security

    A grassroots organization in Tamil Nadu, India has helped women farmers throughout the region to create "small informal farming groups" so that they can collectively lease land for their agriculture businesses. This collective farming venture, which has culminated in 89 collective farms with nearly 700 members, ensures "nutrition and food security for landless women at the household level."

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