Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Playoff Loss Births Nutritional Program at Morgan County High School

    To better the health of their high school football athletes, Morgan County High School in Georgia implemented a program that focuses on ensuring the school's athletes are eating enough to compensate for the physical activity they're enduring. The program, which implements ideas from college models, provides players with breakfast, lunch, and a pre-practice snack or pre-game meal, while also monitoring each individual's nutrition.

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  • Mobile home that generates power offers option for life off the grid

    The use of mobile homes that run on renewable energy are beginning to take shape in Tokyo. Funded in part through crowdfunding and built by a citizen group and other volunteers, these homes are not only practical but can also teach younger generations about the environment.

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  • At Colleges, What's Old Is New: Retirees Living on Campus

    At Arizona State, retirees pay a fee to live on campus, take classes, and be a part of the college community. This setup offers a unique opportunity for intergenerational mixing and mentoring and a new revenue stream for institutions with declining enrollment.

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  • Can tourists coexist with nature on Lebanon's Rabbit Island?

    In a stark juxtaposition to Lebanon’s polluted beaches, just 150 off the coast lies Palm Island – more commonly known as Rabbit Island – seeking to remain pristine and pollution-free. Promapir, an EU-funded collaboration between Lebanon’s Environment Protection Committee and the Office d’Exploitation du Port de Tripoli, is charging visitors to help pay for rangers, trash disposal and maintenance of the plants and beaches. While a valiant effort, the real challenge will be changing the habits of those who visit to prevent them from leaving litter in the first place.

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  • Muslims bailout fund raises nearly $150,000 to reunite migrant families

    A campaign called Muslims for Migrants by the Islamic nonprofit CelebrateMercy raises money to pay bond fees for immigrant parents who are detained while awaiting trial. The funds are donated to another nonprofit called the National Bail Fund Network, and so far the funds have released ten parents back to their families. The director of CelebrateMercy says that the forced separation of families is against everything taught by the Prophet Muhammad and the Islamic faith.

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  • Can Flexible Pricing be Fair?

    San Francisco is using technology to calculate the cost of parking throughout the city, depending on the demand in specific neighborhoods at any given time. While critics were wary of the effect flexible pricing would have on lower-income residents, the pilot program resulted in lower parking costs on average and demonstrated that flexible pricing could promote equity. In other cities around the world, flexible pricing systems implemented through the use of technology have been effective in raising revenue from higher-income people and neighborhoods to reduce prices and reinvest in equitable solutions.

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  • Former Juvenile Inmates Are Earning Double Minimum Wage to Grow Crops — and Business Skills

    For young adults leaving prison in Atlanta, they have the opportunity to participate in Gangstas to Growers, a local nonprofit that provides job skills training and personal development. The program, created in 2016, gives participants the opportunity to learn skills like farming, gardening, and how to run a business, and supplementary knowledge like financial literacy and environmental sustainability. Even more, Gangstas to Growers pays participants working on black-owned farms $15 per hour, which is almost twice the minimum wage.

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  • What do you do with a derelict Center Parcs? Map out a waste-free world

    Abandoned buildings can become spaces for economic innovation and experimentation. An abandoned resort spa in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, now houses BlueCity, an ecosystem of sustainable enterprises. The initiative aligns with The Netherland’s 2050 circular strategy, which aims to reduce waste and implement circular design into the economic. At BlueCity, the businesses are leaders in sustainable innovations, from brewers that share byproducts with bakers to companies that recycle plastic.

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  • Got a parking ticket? In some cities, you can pay for it with school supplies or cat food.

    Across the United States, cities are letting residents pay off their parking tickets with donations to local organizations. For set periods of time, cities like Muncie and Las Vegas write off traffic tickets – as long as they aren’t related to public safety – when residents donate things like cat food to the local cat shelter, or school supplies to educational organizations. The initiatives have been such a success that people from around the country are sending in their donations, even without the trade-off of a paid parking ticket.

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  • You can now pay to turn your carbon emissions to stone

    A company based in Zurich pulls carbon dioxide from the air and turns it in to stone -- and you can subscribe to their services. The subscription program through Climeworks allows customers to sign up for different price levels in order to purchase the trapping of a certain amount of carbon dioxide per year.

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