Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • In wealthy Silicon Valley, a $500 million plan to save threatened farmland

    In Santa Clara County, California, the Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation program is funding an effort to prevent development and bolster agriculture on local farmland. The County, home to Silicon Valley, purchases land at market prices to protect it from development, incentivize agriculture, and prevent sprawl. While still in the beginning stages, the county looking long-term to see how this program will be financially sustainable.

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  • Skilling South Sudanese Refugees In Bidibidi Settlement Restores Lost Hope

    The Bidibidi refugee settlement in Uganda offers refugees a chance to learn a skilled trade at the Yoyo Youth Vocational Skills Center. At no cost to them, students can learn brick laying, carpentry, tailoring and cutting garments, hair dressing, environmental protection, and more. Since its opening in 2018, most of its students are making a living off of their acquired skills, and many testify to how the center changed their lives.

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  • As News Deserts Encroach, One City Looks At A New Way To Fund Local Journalism

    A local community member in Longmont, Colorado looks to creative public financing in order to keep the news media alive in his town. Looking to libraries as a successful model of special improvement districts, which act as independent government districts to raise funds for operation, the Longmont Observer aims to bring news back into the hands of locals after the regional newspaper shut down.

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  • Cotton For Livelihood In Bidibidi

    Refugees in Bidibidi Refugee Settlement need a new source of income after relocating, so a program with NGO Mercy Corps has now given a number of farmers seeds for a cash crop: cotton. Farmers received a special modified version of the seeds, allowing them to harvest much earlier, and they sell the cotton to Gulu Agricultural Development Company. One man in particular, Ismail Matata, urges his neighbors to grow it and says that he had recently earned 700,000 UGX (about $189 USD) from his harvest.

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  • Man Invented Edible Water Jellies That Resemble Candy to Help Hydrate Dementia Patients

    People suffering from Alzheimer's or dementia often struggle with drinking enough water, but an engineer in London developed Jelly Drops which serve to hydrate this population. Disguised as a chewable gummy, Jelly Drops are easier to digest and also keep the consumer hydrated longer than a standard glass of water.

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  • A Philippine community that once ate giant clams now works to protect them

    Ecotourism provides an economic alternative to fishing for coastal communities. On the Island Garden City of Samal, in the Philippines, residents have embraced a giant clam nursery and sanctuary, which attracts mariculture tourists. The giant clam sanctuary is a project of the Decor United Fisherfolk Organization (AdUFOr) and Davao del Norte State College. It offers livelihood for residents of the community, especially to seniors who give tours, and also assists in the conservation of giant clam populations.

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  • Less Trash, More Schools — One Plastic Brick at a Time

    The recycling economy is helping Ivory Coast overcome a building shortage and create jobs. The Fighting Women, a community organization in Abidjan, collect plastic waste to resell to manufacturers. In partnership with UNICEF, the Columbian company, Conceptos Plásticos purchases plastic waste from the Women and recycles it into bricks, which are used to construct classrooms.

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  • How Making Reusable Pads Is Helping Women In Bidibidi

    Menstrual hygiene can be a challenge especially in Bidibidi, one of the largest refugee settlements in the world. However, with the help of Catholic Relief Service (CARITAS), women are now being trained in how to make reusable sanitary napkins. Many women have received a sewing machine and can now sell their handmade pads to neighbors, thus providing both an income and a hygienic (and eco-friendly) solution.

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  • Three Big Lessons From One Small Town

    The town of Danville, Virginia survived the downfall of the mill industry by using creative financing and investing in solid economic infrastructure that will remain sustainable into the future. The town has invested in broadband and used funds from a tobacco settlement to re-install city money into local institutions.

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  • Home on the range? Private buyers restore U.S. grassland to cowboy consternation

    The American Prairie Reserve (APR)has diverged from government funding and instead created a free-market system to preserve prairie land across Northeastern Montana. Some ranchers in the state oppose the allowance of wild bison and other animals to wander fence-free, but others sell their land to the APR to maintain a diverse ecosystem on the plains.

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