Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • With $6 Rides, L.A. Rideshare Program Helps Under-Served

    FlexLA, a local rideshare program in Los Angeles, offers discounted and even free rides for folks looking for affordable alternatives to Lyft and Uber. While the battle to stand out among transportation behemoths proves difficult, this rideshare program looks to cultural roots of LA for advertising and marketing ideas to spread the word.

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  • Companies helping employees tackle student loan debt

    Companies get creative to help their employees tackle student debt by offering loan assistance as well as carrying over unused paid time off into a fund to chip away at debt. In San Diego, Fidelity Investments has found higher employee retention and workplace happiness with the addition of loan assistance as a benefit for employees with student debt.

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  • Schools Aim to Teach Teens Financial Savvy

    A growing number of states have started to require financial education in high schools. Studies have shown that in states that mandate financial literacy classes as part of the core curriculum, students have less credit card debt and less expensive student loans.

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  • Community schools: How the concept started and failed in Montgomery

    Since expected grant funding for a planned community school model was canceled a few years ago, two high-poverty elementary school that would have benefited from the approach have landed on the city's "failing" list. However, a local high school has had success incorporating elements of a similar model, such as a parent liaison and volunteer mentors from the community, with no additional budget. What can Davis and Nixon elementary learn from Lanier High?

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  • The Great American Cardboard Comeback

    Rather than close their doors for good, Wisconsin paper mills have adapted to the booming internet business and begun making something even Amazon needs: cardboard. Though traditional glossy paper sales have plummeted since the early 2000s, the demand for cardboard in the online shopping industry has skyrocketed, leaving an open market for American paper mill factories.

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  • Forget plastic bans: Colorado mountain towns try volunteerism, bootcamps as solutions to single-use

    In the mountain towns of Telluride and Mountain Village, locals are going beyond banning plastic bags and are thinking bigger about how to reduce single-use plastic. The Telluride Venture Accelerator focuses on bringing “startups in the plastics-alternative market” to Colorado. A local committee is also finding ways to encourage businesses to change their plastic habits, and together the local government initiatives and environmental startups will change consumption habits regionally.

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  • ‘Coal just isn't the future': Meet the Kentucky miners picking up a new trade

    As jobs in America's coal mines dwindle, local Appalachian communities put resources and opportunity into the sustainable energy business. A nonprofit in Kentucky called the Mountain Association for Community Economic Development bridges the gap between the two industries by providing sustainable energy training and internships for former employees of the coal mining industry.

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  • How drones and satellite images are measuring the forests used for carbon offsets

    The technology company Pachama has developed a way to combine “satellite, drone, and lidar images” to estimate the size of trees and forests around the globe. Its founders were motivated by the carbon offset industry. If companies want to offset emissions, the rationale goes, it is better to know precisely where forests need to be restored. Pachama’s technology can do just that.

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  • The Street Corner Answer

    Access Ventures, a community development organization founded in a Louisville neighborhood, uses a comprehensive investment approach that encourages funds to be dispersed in all issue areas. Instead of creating one "affordable housing fund" or "homeless services fund," the group interweaves investment strategies, making sure to look at the bigger community picture when laying out an investment plan.

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  • Straws Made of Seaweed Could Replace Their Plastic Nemesis

    An innovative solution to the massive amount of plastic in our oceans is a new startup called Loliware. It produces 100% biodegradable straws "that look, feel, and act like plastic" but are actually made of seaweed. Not only do the straws decompose in a few weeks and are gluten-free, non-GMO, and sugar-free, but the process of creating them sequesters carbon dioxide, which further increases their positive environmental impact.

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