Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Training Center Gives Former Child Soldiers a New Start

    Since 2000 an estimated 550 children have been trained by the Union of Technicians for Unemployed Young People, a group that is trying to reintegrate child soldiers back into society. It’s not uncommon for child soldiers to join or be forced into armed groups who form part of the Central Republic's civil war. However, the union provides room and board to former child soldiers and teaches them courses in things like “ sewing, hairdressing, leather goods, carpentry and soap making. They can also improve their literacy and learn cooking and entrepreneurship skills.”

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  • How hip housing helped bring donuts to Spenard

    In an under-developed area of Anchorage Alaska, a development project run by Cook Inlet Housing is transforming the community. The development project is bringing in new businesses that are taking advantage of the infrastructure and location of this part of the city. This could attract more businesses and be a positive addition to the community.

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  • Philly activists raising money to bail poor defendants out of jail

    For many low-income people who are arrested, coming up with even a small amount of bail money is nearly impossible, leaving them to languish for months before their cases are ever adjudicated. That means lost jobs and housing and sometimes custody of their kids. In Philadelphia, a number of groups have banded together and raised funds to bail out inmates, following examples in other cities, as a temporary measure until policymakers can enact long-term bail reform.

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  • 3 years ago, Stockton, California, was bankrupt. Now it's trying out a basic income.

    The Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration is a new project that hopes to help counteract the loss of jobs and income due to automation and technology. The project will give a random sample of residents money each month ('basic income') and they will track what these individuals spend the extra money on.

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  • The New Co-op Helping Ex-Inmates Find Work—and Recover

    Washington D.C. struggles with the highest incarceration rates in the nation that already imprisons more people than any other country in the world. But a few determined individuals, including ex-offender Juan Reid, are working to break the cycle by empowering former inmates to join their business cooperative, Tightshift, catered specifically to those reentering the system by providing job training and paid work, as well as critical emotional healing and support.

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  • The Compass, Making it Work: Navigating Kenya's Streets with Technology

    Entrepreneurs and startups in Kenya and India are finding success creating products that meet the needs of poorer citizens in those countries. This episode includes a story about a mobile phone app that tackles the difficulty of finding locations in Nairobi using GPS coordinates and a photo, a startup near Bengaluru, India that uses human ATMs to help rural residents access cash via mobile phones, and a Kenyan company building devices that create free public wifi.

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  • Manufacturing in Massachusetts: : Teaching a Younger Workforce New Skills

    Despite heavy pressure, attending college is not for everyone, and a university degree no longer guarantees job placement; meanwhile industries like manufacturing are facing a decline in interested, qualified workers. Various initiatives in Massachusetts are implementing accessible job training programs, especially for minorities, that are helping to place people in manufacturing jobs that provide improved economic opportunity, while hopefully positioning the state for burst of industrial growth.

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  • These Solar Farms Have A Secret Hiding Under Them: Mushrooms

    As populations urbanize and the disparity between city and country grows, farmers in Japan are facing increasing economic challenges and a shortage of new farmers to work the land. But a new scheme may help farms to be more profitable by creatively doubling the productivity of their land. New projects allow farmers to grow produce or graze livestock beneath large swaths of solar panels, generating income from both energy sold to the grid as well as more traditional agricultural means.

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  • The road to a stable job, without the student debt

    Launched in 2016, Virginia's New Economy Workforce Credential Grant addresses a rarely discussed issue - the student debt associated with occupational credentialing programs. Funded by the state, the program has empowered participants to work as apprentices, while paying only a third of the total cost of their own education, and enabled local industries to find the skills they have been desperately lacking.

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  • How a startup hopes to treat the rural opioid epidemic, at a profit

    A New York City opioid treatment startup called Groups is a solution for small towns with limited access to care for people struggling with opioid addiction. They overcome the hurdles of high cost, proximity to care, and stigma that stymy government response by offering simple, one-size-fits-all, medically assisted group recovery.

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