Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What can the sharing economy bring to emerging markets?

    April Rinne, a sharing economy adviser in Portland, believes that new technology and the emergence of the sharing economy has massive potential to connect talent, resources, and ideas around the globe, particularly in the context of advancing international development initiatives. She works with clients around the world to "help the sharing economy realize its full potential" and challenge the assumptions surrounding poverty.

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  • STEM: Teaching critical thinking for the new age

    Flagstaff STEM City partners schools with professionals and creates kits that teachers can use to bring science into the classroom, teaching students and parents how to think critically and search out information through the application of real world skills like the culinary arts, mechanics, and childcare.

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  • Seeds of Commerce: Saving Native Plants in the Heart of Appalachia

    As climate change continues to threaten the survival of native plants species and the health of the eco-systems they support, the North Carolina Arboretum’s Germplasm Repository is taking a clever new approach to the preservation of native plant seeds: pushing to capitalize on their commercial value. Plant physiologists like Joe-Ann McCoy know that the best method for saving many species may also create jobs and boost local economies, when businesses start leveraging the medicinal uses of native plants for products like herbal supplements.

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  • Help Is on the Way for Low-Income Co-op Buildings in NYC

    Habitat for Humanity, best known for its work building houses, is now working to become a Community Development Financial Institution in New York. The city has a history of buildings owned as cooperatives. However, a specific type of municipal debt negatively impacts many of these buildings. Habitat for Humanity’s New York chapter is working to provide loans to help cooperative owners pay off this debt. It will help individuals, while also marking a turning point in what the large nonprofit provides as a service.

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  • Some single parents are turning to GoFundMe as a way to pay for college

    Single parents are increasingly using GoFundMe to raise money for their own college costs. However, as GoFundMe has started to acknowledge, "crowdfunding is more difficult when one’s crowd doesn’t have extra funds." The platform is brainstorming ways to spread the word about individual campaigns and make donations to individual campaigners tax-deductible.

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  • M-Pesa: Kenya's mobile money success story turns 10

    Ten years ago, Vodafone's Safaricom launched "M-Pesa" a mobile-phone based payment system designed to ease transfer of money in Kenya among individuals and small businesses. With a maximum transaction of 70,000 Kenyan shillings ($675 USD), M-Pesa markets "to the base of the pyramid:" not only has M-Pesa taken root in more than ten other countries, but it counts 18 million active users in Kenya and, through access to a mobile monetary payment system, has lifted 2% of Kenyan households out of extreme poverty.

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  • Turning Oreo Cheesecake into Dough in the South Bronx

    Food Pathways is a program that helps women in the Bronx turn their cooking skills into a food-industry business. The Bronx Cook Space is an affordable commercial kitchen that women can pay to use by the hour and where they can also access resources for business planning.

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  • Farming a warmer planet

    Morocco is one of countless regions around the planet facing the challenges of climate change - as rivers dry up and temperatures increase, the livelihoods of millions stand at risk. But the country may serve as an example for how others can mitigate the damages. The government, entrepreneurial individuals, and local communities are making important changes in the face of global warming, from working to reforest arid regions to adapting which crops are planted so as to use less water and maintain "climate-smart" agricultural productivity.

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  • Can the Graduation Approach Help to End Extreme Poverty?

    BRAC, the largest NGO in the world and one of the leaders in microfinance as an approach to combating poverty, discovered that despite its successes, microcredit did not always reach what are called the Ultra-Poor in effective, sustainable ways. So they formed partnerships and launched a new, comprehensive initiative that involves consumption support, technical and financial literacy training, and asset management to create a pathway to prosperity called the "graduation approach."

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  • USPS Could Tackle Food Insecurity

    While the USPS has seen a drastic decline in revenues and capacity in recent years due to growing competition from the private sector and social changes, First Class Meal is reimagining the role that this institution has to play: improving national access to healthy food. Using the existing USPS app to connect organizations and food banks that struggle to distribute donations, postal drivers out on their normal routes would pick up donations, deliver to food banks or pantries, and store food in post offices with excess capacity.

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