Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • In Kansas City, a lesson in transforming closed schools

    When public schools close, what can communities do with the buildings? Kansas City hired an urban planner to help repurpose school buildings to better engage the community and enabled non-profits a chance to purchase the old properties. This school reuse excelled from increasing the transparency of the decision-making process and “creative financing.”

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  • Entrepreneurship Provides New Hope for Former Prisoners

    People exiting incarceration often struggle to land jobs. But a growing number of organizations are promoting entrepreneurship as an alternative path to economic stability for former inmates and it's not a big stretch considering that many of these folks know how to hustle, think creatively and are resilient. Last year the U.S. Small Business Administration launched a pilot program with several funders to foster business ownership among former inmates but some programs have been around for years and have impressive track records.

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  • Kenya's booming digital sharing economy?

    Though the big players in the sharing economy like Uber and Airbnb are eyeing growing middle class markets like that of Kenya, the concept of shared access to goods and services is nothing new for Kenyan communities. Whereas in the West, the shared economy structure arose largely from a desire for flexibility, in Kenya, much of it arose from need. Now platforms like Lynk and Little Cabs are helping connect Kenyan customers to a broad range of service providers.

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  • Can the private sector solve Metro Detroit's infrastructure woes?

    Michigan's roads have been in disrepair for years. Now with increased private sector funding and partnerships between companies and the government, the state could start to see improvements in its infrastructure.

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  • Free Cash in Finland. Must be Jobless.

    Monthly unemployment checks are dissuading individuals from finding work for fear that their work will pay less. Oulu, Finland is testing out 'basic income' where everyone receives a government cheque, to encourage people to work without fear of losing their monthly assistance.

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  • The Sea Creature That Saved a School (How Lobsters Are Keeping Students in School)

    Deer Isle, Maine, struggled to keep students in school; many students felt that a diploma was unnecessary, since they could drop out and join the lobster fishing industry. But the local high school found a creative solution to keep students engaged and ensure more opportunities in what can be a volatile industry. They redesigned courses to suit the interests of students, moving to project-based learning that explores traditional academic topics through fishing and marine themes, such as studying geometry through boat building. The approach has helped increase graduation rates by more than 30 percent.

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  • To fight poverty in Africa, a new-old solution: cash handouts

    The approach of giving cash straight to poor people - rather than funneling goods or services indirectly through the slow, diluted, and complex systems of charities or governments - is nothing new, but evidence of long-term success and sustainability are few. That's why many NGOs and governments are now coupling cash transfers with more comprehensive programs such as job training and financial counseling, as well as addressing some of the root causes that keep people poor, like lack of infrastructure and market access.

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  • Can Mezcal Survive Being Popular?

    The production of mezcal keeps increasing, drawing the attention of big liquor brands who want to invest in the mezcal market. Entrepreneurs in Mexico, are teaming up with rural farmers, their collaboration could potentially push out big companies from taking over the market.

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  • South Carolina finds innovative way to help first-time moms

    Thanks to social impact bonds, the Nurse-Family Partnership in South Carolina pairs specially trained nurses with low-income pregnant women for regular home visits, giving the mothers coaching to break the poverty cycle. The state should realize a return on its investment long-term, with lower Medicaid costs, fewer preterm births, bigger gaps between childbirths and fewer emergency room visits.

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  • How other communities are addressing food insecurity

    New Jersey looks for those solutions being implemented successfully in other regions around the country to fight hunger in food deserts and poor neighborhoods, assessing what can be replicated in their local communities to address these issues.

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