Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Moroccan fix to Europe's migrant crisis

    Once harshly criticized for its mistreatment of African migrants, Morocco has changed its view and now lays down a well-regulated welcome mat. If Europe did more of the same, it's possible that fewer migrants would risk dangerous sea journeys with smugglers.

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  • 7 hopeful climate stories from around the world

    Evidence continues to build that humans are contributing to a climate change issue that is nothing but bad news for the planet. Hopeful stories from seven countries, including India, Indonesia, and China, show that efforts to combat climate change might finally be working.

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  • Anchored in hope: How Toronto is learning from Cleveland's return to prosperity

    After decades of economic and social despair that once saw it named the poorest big city in America, Cleveland has become a model of revitalization, thanks to a unique “anchor strategy” that harnesses the immense wealth and power of the city’s public institutions.

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  • Making Wood Without Trees

    Using mycelium from mushrooms offers a sustainable and biodegradable alternative to synthetic polymers. Mushrooms produce a natural structure that can be used in building and construction, in lieu of plastics or processed wood products that often contain urea-formaldehyde or other harmful bonding agents. Ecovative Design uses a mushroom-based material to create products ranging from packing to furniture.

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  • Transforming banking for the poor

    Microfinance started to help reduce world poverty but, in the long run, without bank accounts it is hard for beginning entrepreneurs to really get going and to help the economy. Now that paying is possible through cellular phones, more people will have the opportunity to have a bank account and hopefully cause a decrease in poverty.

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  • Company Thinks It Has Answer for Lower Health Costs: Customer Service

    The health care system in the United States is not only expensive, but also its social inequities and infrastructure fail to aid patients’ individual needs. Iora Primary Care in Seattle offers a monthly stipend for physicians as well as a financial bonus for how much money is saved on avoiding expensive care. Iora’s model of care also prides itself on health coaches, who offer support for dietary needs and day to day living necessities.

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  • The Excitement of Learning From Profit and Loss

    500,000 young people drop out of high school each year; they feel disengaged and uninspired; they fail to see how school is relevant in their lives. An educational program called Build makes it possible for low-income students, as part of their high school studies, to work in teams, conceiving, testing, and ultimately operating their own small businesses. In the process, they discover — often to their surprise — their potential to deal with unexpected problems, persist through failure, and create something that the world values.

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  • From Our Prison to Your Dinner Table

    In prison, most inmates are alienated from social practices and can be a tax burden for the states. The Colorado Correctional Industries is a program that positions inmates in different forms of labor such as making stuffed toys, farming fish, picking fruit, tending livestock, and creating crafts to be sold at grocery stores. The program makes inmates into taxpayers instead of tax burdens and offers skills that are useful for future employment once they leave prison.

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  • Moz digs garimpeiros out of trouble

    Artisan gold mining - most of it illegal - is one of the greatest environmental and health concerns in Mozambique, but it provides a critical source of labor and economic support, especially for small communities. To help address some of the concerns for land degradation and water pollution, the government is helping miners establish licensed associations, which also provides training on improved business and mining practices, as well as adding some formality and stabilization to the sale of their gold.

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  • Behind LA's dramatic decline in gang violence

    In the past, Los Angeles was a dangerous city fraught with gang wars. Lately, though, LA has become a safer city due to six changes enforced by the police cracking down on public violence and gangs.

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