Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • To Fight Rising Murder Rate, More Cities Find, Mentor and Pay Likely Shooters

    Advance Peace Fresno tries to turn youth away from violence through mentoring, job training, and by paying them a monthly stipend of up to $1,000 if they hit certain benchmarks in their rehabilitation. The program has recruited 19 young people for its fellowships, following a model that is associated with violence declines in Richmond and Sacramento, and is spreading to multiple other cities. Opponents of the stipends say the agency should not pay people to obey the law. But Advance Peace's strategy is based on using the promise of legitimate income to keep people engaged.

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  • Iowa foster care system changes prove positive and effective

    Iowa in 2017 imposed new rules for the agencies that run group homes for children in foster care. The rules have greatly reduced the frequency with which children are moved from place to place far from their families, a common practice that can deepen the trauma they suffer. By paying differently for such care, the state reduced the incentive agencies had to keep their facilities full. Instead, they're working more closely with families to heal them and get children back to a healthier home life.

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  • In Big Sky, New Affordable Housing Program Pays Property Owners to Rent to Locals

    A local initiative in this Montana town is attempting to alleviate the housing and labor shortages. Homeowners are given a financial incentive to rent to locals who work in the area. The Big Sky Community Housing Trust helps homeowners find renters and identify an appropriate price point for their unit. For a two-year commitment of renting to a local worker, homeowners receive $14,500.

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  • Killing gas guzzlers: what can Lithuania learn from Denmark?

    Transportation accounts for some of the most emissions in the EU, one-third, out of those 72 percent are from road transportation. In Denmark, the government places high tax-rates on vehicles and tax reductions on electric cars. The tax cuts are leading some to switch over to electric cars, and the method might be replicated in other EU countries like Lithaunia.

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  • Some Mountain Towns are Eyeing Vancouver-style Vacancy Taxes. Could it Help Address Housing Crises?

    Vancouver’s taxes on vacant residences have reduced the number of empty homes and apartments. The tax on empty homes was levied in an effort to ease the lack of housing, especially affordable housing. The tax has generated money for affordable housing projects in addition to encouraging property owners to rent out their residences. The success of the tax is encouraging other cities to enact similar laws.

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  • RGGI, behind the rhetoric: What we know about the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

    A regional cap-and-trade program in the northeast United States has reduced carbon dioxide emissions from power plants and led to overall job gains in the economy. Up to 50 percent of the region’s CO2 reductions are attributable to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative program and nine of the states participating report training more than 8,000 workers.

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  • Is the Future of Big Dairy Regenerative?

    Several big food corporations like Danone and General Mills are working with local dairy producers to launch soil health programs that would help reduce their carbon footprint. For example, Danone is supporting 34 dairy farms to transition their operations to more regenerative practices. While it remains unclear if their efforts will reduce carbon emissions from dairy farms, early results show they are reducing soil erosion, improving water retention, and using less synthetic fertilizers.

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  • Why Herders Are Fronting the Battle to Save Cultural Heritage

    Herders in rural Mongolia are given financial compensation to help preserve cultural heritage by keeping watch over the country’s remote relics and burial sites. The historical sites hold a trove of information dating back thousands of years but their remote locations make preservation an arduous and expensive undertaking for the government.

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  • Meet the Cheakamus, the only community forest to develop carbon offsets in B.C.

    The Cheakamus forest, which spans 33,000 hectares, is a community run forest, managed by the two First Nations and the city of Whistler, in British Colombia, Canada. By not logging massive amounts of wood, the forest keeps 15,000 tons of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere per year, the equivalent of the total emissions produced by 773 Canadians. The partners then sell those carbon offsets, generating about $100,000 in annual revenue a year. The move is one being done by community forests around the country and can provide an example of climate-based solutions that are economically beneficial.

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  • Why these farmers are welcoming muskrats, birds, and snakes

    In Canada, farmers are rewilding their farmlands, a process where a farmer restores their habitat to a more natural state. It includes things like planting trees, building hedgerows, and creating ponds. Rewilding can prevent soil erosion, carbon sequestering, and filtering water, among many other things, reversing some of the adverse effects caused by farming. One non-profit, the Alternative Land Use Services is funding these rewilding projects by paying farmers. ALUS projects span 31,000 across Canada.

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