Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Telangana is improving maternal mortality and bringing down C-sections

    To address the issue of maternal mortality that was linked with women giving birth at private hospitals instead of public, Telangana implemented a series of reforms including childbirth kits, financial incentives, an ambulance system, and enhanced training and guidelines. The state has now seen an increase in natural childbirth in public hospital facilities and credits these solutions as ways of making "public health facilities less intimidating."

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  • Schools help teachers with a new kind of homework: finding a place to live

    In Thoreau, New Mexico, many of the district's teachers live in the "teacherage," a neighborhood of modest, affordable homes set aside for the town's educators. Thoreau's model, which offers rent subsidization and a built-in community, is just one example of strategies rural and urban areas are using to combat teacher shortages and low teacher salaries.

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  • Treat Medicines Like Netflix Treats Shows

    Australia has found a promising model to make high-priced medicine cheaper for patients, including expensive treatments for Hepatitis C, which the country is now on track to eradicating by 2026. The strategy works similar to the business strategy of subscription streaming services- by paying a lump sum to drug producers, Australia gets an unlimited amount of the drug for 5 years, allowing all patients to get help while ensuring stable profits for drug companies.

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  • Could New Mexico go solar? Bill provides tax relief for those giving it a shot

    The state of New Mexico has its sights set on going solar and the state government is incentivizing those who are willing to try. “In a state that ranks second for solar potential nationwide, it’s crucial that New Mexicans have an easier path to installing solar on their own homes and businesses,” the state's governor explains.

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  • Nigeria, Kenya and Senegal - Three African Countries Providing Solutions in Fight Against Genital Cutting of Girls

    This cross-border story, which takes place in Nigeria, Kenya, and Senegal, examines 3 different approaches to address the still-widespread practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). In Nigeria, a short film about FGM has prompted the passing of a new law and gathered a new wave of survivors speaking up. In Kenya, a group called Dayaa Women's Group actively involves the traditionalists (cutters) and religious/community institutions in the fight against FGM along with widespread trainings. In Sengal, women lead the fight with a radio program for girls and providing financial incentives to prior cutters.

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  • Is the Answer to Crime More Cops?

    As cities across the United States grapple with the decline in law enforcement applications and officers, New York is adapting by using a workload allocation model to figure out the number of police officers actually needed and in what positions. While other cities, like Memphis, seek private funding to hire more police officers – a model that hasn’t shown demonstrably to decrease crime.

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  • How Danone, Kashi and Land O'Lakes are backing sustainable farming

    Because the upfront costs of transitioning a farm to be certified organic can be burdensome to farmers amidst a growing demand for organic food, large companies like Kashi and Land O'Lakes are creating a number of initiatives to help ease the process. Techniques include no-interest advances for expensive initial supplies, fair trade premiums that go to local community work, and soil health initiatives for suppliers. The companies even implement a complex data tracking system to gather information on yield and profitability, which can then be used to inform future sustainable practice transitions.

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  • Butterfly business: Insect farmers help conserve East African forests

    In Kenya and Tanzania, butterfly farming is emerging as a viable alternative to those seeking employment beyond illegal logging or hunting practices. While up to 1,200 farmers have participated in various butterfly projects across the countries, using their profits to educate their families and begin small businesses, the initiative has seen some roadblock from government mandates preventing wildlife exports.

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  • Cities across Colorado saw how gentrification impacted Denver. They're trying to avoid the same pitfalls.

    As gentrification drives involuntary displacement in Denver, Colorado, the city planners elsewhere in Colorado aim to avoid the same fate by instituting policy safeguards. Fort Collins has put in extra protection for mobile home parks, one of the only viable housing options for low-income residents, and another city program controls utility costs.

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  • An Italian City Will Pay Residents to Bike to Work

    A city in Southern Italy is starting a program that pays commuters to cycle to work on the heels of similar successful programs in France and the Netherlands. While more cycling can mean improved public health and lower traffic congestion, cities have to be ready with adequate cycling lanes.

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