Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Problem-Solving Prizes

    Cash prizes push people to solve all sorts of problems. Advancements in aircraft and spacecraft in particular have came out of public innovation challenges.

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  • Saving for Retirement: How Auto-IRA Plans May Secure the Future

    Oregon is helping its residents save for retirement by automatically enrolling those eligible for the Roth IRA retirement savings program. Employees can choose to contribute or opt out, and thus far the participation rate is 80%. As social security benefits are at risk in the future, this program, in Oregon and around the country, is helping people start early in preparing for retirement.

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  • After hurricane Maria, he's helping the ocean – and its fishers – recover

    Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico communities, land and the local coasts. With many relying on fishing as a significant source of income, fishermen have been suffering since with polluted waters and a diminished fish population. One local man is taking a stance by working with community fishermen to utilize their skills to clean up the coastal waters through incentivizing results.

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  • Why Massachusetts is the best state for landfill solar arrays

    Repurposing contaminated sites for clean energy production may not sound like a common tactic to take, but Massachusetts has found a way to be highly successful at it. In fact, out of over 250 renewable energy installations across the United States, Massachusetts accounts for 40 percent of them. The state attributes this success to a combination of an enhanced ease of the bureaucratic process and opportunities for revenue stimulation for towns.

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  • 'We exist': Public art project gives India's transgender community a voice

    The Aravani Art Project is a project that works to raise the visibility and voice of the trans community in India. It does so by employing them to paint murals across the country (and even one in Sri Lanka) featuring slices of life as a trans person. It took time to build trust with the community at first, but eventually the people behind the project developed a system of idea conception to realization with their participants. Over time they have developed long-term relationships with each other, and the trans community is slowly becoming comfortable with having a public voice.

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  • ‘They are our salvation': the Sicilian town revived by refugees

    Immigrants are reviving the local economy in Sutera. Before 2014, the Sicilian town was shrinking fast. All but a few hundred people had moved to look for work in bigger cities. Welcoming asylum seekers from Nigeria, Syria, Sri Lanka and elsewhere has proved to be a popular and effective way to grow commercial opportunities and add new life to the town.

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  • Worker-owned businesses

    Rather than selling his business in the traditional way, a business owner in Glasgow decided to transfer ownership to his employees through an employee ownership trust after researching the best ways to plan for succession in a way that will benefit current employees. The trust granted shares to employees based on their length of time at the company, and this unusual succession plan saves companies from being shut down in the hands of new owners.

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  • Issuing Bonds to Invest in People

    In cases where funding is short for social programs, social impact bonds are becoming an increasingly appealing funding mechanism. Private investors and philanthropic institutions invest money upfront to fund a social program; if the program shows measurable success, the investors gain their original investment plus interest. A key example is in Connecticut, where a social impact bond was set up to expand the Family Stability Pay for Success Project. By spending money on prevention, investors and governments save money later.

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  • 3 Far-Flung Cities Offer Clues to Unsnarling Manhattan's Streets

    Cities like New York that are trying to decrease traffic congestion are looking to Stockholm, London, and Singapore. These three cities have all implemented forms of congestion pricing, in which they charge drivers a fee to enter a core congestion area during peak commuting hours. Despite challenges in implementation, the congestion taxes have decreased traffic and increased driving speed in each of these cities.

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  • Community And Vegetables Grow Side-By-Side In Syrian Refugee Camp Gardens

    For Syrian refugees staying in camps in Northern Iraq, gardening and greenery can be a way to stay connected to home while also providing a sense of purpose. The U.K. based nonprofit The Lemon Tree Trust works to help refugees start their own gardens - and eventually sell the produce - by sponsoring a home garden competition and providing toolkits and resources for individuals who'd like to get involved.

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