Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Tackling Mass Incarceration

    Deep-end youth frequently have extensive criminal records, incomplete education histories and no formal work experience. These backgrounds make them hard to retain in programs and even more difficult to place in gainful employment if/when they are released from prison.

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  • In the Pastures of Colombia, Cows, Crops, and Timber Coexist

    Colombia’s National Development Plan for cattle ranching seeks to reduce pasture land from 94 million acres to 70 million acres while increasing cattle numbers from 23 million head to 40 million. The program focuses on planting trees on grazing land and the "cut and carry method," whereby farmers grow fields of shrubs and distribute the fresh cuttings to cows in pastures. The result is greater cattle productivity and a more eco-friendly farming system.

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  • Good News for Animals in Nepal: A Full Year Without Poaching

    Bucking the worldwide trend, Nepal continues its successful fight against poaching, thanks to a multilayered system of information gathering, enforcement, and swift justice.

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  • Preparing for Disaster by Betting Against It

    In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, necessity has bred an interesting kind of financial invention for the New York MTA: the world’s first “catastrophe” bond - a reinsurance for the insurer - designed to protect public transportation infrastructure, specifically against storm surge. These bonds privatize risk for public gain, creating a kind of tool that may protect economic development against all kinds of natural and man-made disasters around the world.

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  • Playing the Odds on Saving

    Lotteries aren’t usually considered part of the solution to a savings crisis experienced across America, particularly by the nation's poor, but with more hopefuls purchasing lottery tickets than setting aside rainy day funds, one organization, Doorways to Dreams, is working to change federal and state laws to allow banks to offer prize-linked savings. In Michigan, the programs have seen some success.

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  • In the Long War on Poverty, Small Victories That Matter

    A panoply of responses to poverty has emerged to address poverty in the United States and abroad. The responses share in three key tactics: Measuring impact, paying for success, and collaboration.

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  • In Iowa, Accountable Care Begins To Make A Difference

    In Iowa, a Medicare program uses financial incentives to encourage doctors and hospitals to provide the highest quality care possible. The approach has proven successful in providing comprehensive treatment for frequent patients.

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  • To Fight Obesity, a Carrot, and a Stick

    Child obesity is decreasing even among poor children. Making healthy food more widely available, as well as using financial incentive programs, has greatly helped in increasing habits of healthy eating.

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  • India Increases Effort to Harness Biomass Energy

    With 60 percent of India's population relying on agriculture for living, the country faces a dire challenge of what to do with accumulated agricultural waste. Instead of burning it, as they traditionally would do, they are harnessing biomass energy that directly supplies the country's electrical grid.

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  • Doctors Transform How They Practice Medicine

    The Affordable Care Act’s provisions to increase health care while decreasing costs have caused physicians some economic uncertainties. Two physicians have transformed their practices into business models that offer more services than what the insurance companies cover. The physicians report that patients spend less money on medication and hospital visits, while providing more holistic care.

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