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  • How to Feed Crowds in a Protest or Pandemic? The Sikhs Know

    Feeding those in need and helping one's community are traditions of the Sikh faith that date back centuries, but they are now benefiting neighborhoods across America where Sikh houses of worship, Gurdwaras, are churning out as many as 145,000 meals over the course of 10 weeks. Gurdwaras are outfitted with the infrastructure to make meals on a mass scale and because Sikhs are expected to donate ten percent of their time or money to community service, they also have the volunteers and funds to buy ingredients. This allows them to fill a need that arose after soup kitchens fell short of the demands.

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  • Small farms diversity to survive COVID-19, changing the face of Detroit markets

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, small farmers in Michigan are coming up with different business models in order to get their produce into consumers’ hands. Fisheye Farms in Detroit created a community-supported agriculture, or CSA, subscription program. However, the program is only meeting approximately one-third of its necessary finances, and they hope to find a balance with other offerings. Argus Farm Stop in Ann Arbor quickly turned their online store into a popular digital farmers market, increasing its customers from eight to 2,500.

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  • Madison Latino Consortium steps in to provide safety net, cash to undocumented families

    In Dane Country, Wisconsin "a collective of advocacy, economic, educational, and health-care groups" are working together to connect undocumented immigrant families – who are not eligible for federal aid – with social services during the coronavirus pandemic. “They’re able to provide us with something, with food,” one resident said in regards to the Latino Consortium for Action. “Any little bit helps, and that’s been very good.”

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  • USDA Acts Fast To Help Schools Offer Families Take-Out, Grocery Money

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has effectively responded to the Covid-19 crisis by quickly helping existing programs provide food aid to families. School lunch programs rapidly moved from providing hot food to children who qualify to a to-go style menu for all children under 18 and offers grocery money to families who can’t pick up food. The USDA also expanded SNAP with increased monthly allowances and options for online shopping. There have been administrative difficulties coordinating aid so quickly that has caused delays to some families getting the food they need.

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  • A nonprofit motorcycle club raises money for elderly members

    Senior citizens from the Assyrian community living in Chicago have relied on a motorcycle club for care packages as well as friendly visits from someone who speaks their language. With health guidelines and coronavirus information constantly changing, the language barrier faced by many Assyrian elders makes them even more isolated during the pandemic. Organizations that would typically step in to provide assistance, meal preparation, and translation services have had to cut back their services leaving the motorcycle club, known as the Assyrian Knights, filling an urgent need.

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  • Brazilian Farmers Hatch A Plan To Send Healthy Food To The Favelas

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, Rafael Duckur, an organic food producer in Brazil, started Pertim, a network of farmers working to help families in neighborhoods who can’t meet their basic needs. The group buys food like fruits, vegetables, eggs, and coffee from farmers to fill boxes that are sent to the neighborhoods. While the logistics of collecting and distributing the boxes can be difficult, Pertim hopes to cut down on food waste from unsold produce while supporting local agriculture producers.

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  • Amid COVID-19, SNAP Rolls Out Online Ordering

    More than a dozen states are participating in a SNAP program, allowing people experiencing economic hardship to purchase food online from retailers. While only certain online retailers allow for food stamp purchases and SNAP users can’t pay for delivery fees with their benefits, more states are piloting the program, which could prove useful for people quarantining from the novel coronavirus.

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  • Some Parents Skip Meals to Feed Their Children, but Who Will Feed the Adults? One Organization Has an Answer

    Community Services Unlimited (CSU) is a local organization in Southern California that is helping to increase access to healthy foods for families all year round, but especially now during the Covid-19 pandemic. Unlike many food aid programs, the goal of CSU is not just to provide food, but to "create more empowered food communities" by teaching the local community valuable and usable skills around food production and distribution.

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  • The Farm to Food Bank Movement Aims to Rescue Small-Scale Farming and Feed the Hungry Audio icon

    Supply chains have been disrupted with the restrictions imposed by the Coronavirus pandemic, and farmers are suffering from a lack of buying customers. Meanwhile, food banks are in dire straits as more and more people seek support after losing jobs to the pandemic. What's needed? A middle man. This article looks at a range of solutions across the United States in which organizations and community groups are stepping up to fill the gap between the two needs. They largely do this by purchasing, packaging, and distributing surplus product to local food banks who need more donations for the community.

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  • The coronavirus broke the food supply chain. Here's how to fix it.

    The Do-Good Auto Coalition in northern New Jersey is recruiting car dealerships and automakers to help shuttle supplies and food to people experiencing economic hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic. The closing of restaurants, schools, and other businesses has created a disconnect in the food supply chain, with fresh produce stuck on farms with no easy way to get it to consumers. While there’s no quick fix to reduce food waste, the organization is hopeful they can bridge the gap between farmers and people who can’t meet their basic needs.

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