Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Nonprofits work to fill in gap to provide food to migrants

    Community food organization Fareground is providing free meal donations to migrant men staying in nearby hotels. The group is providing fresh produce and hot meals to those in need as the local government works to push the Biden administration to expedite work authorization for migrants.

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  • Episcopal mobile ministry distributes necessities to people displaced by Maui wildfires

    A Cup of Cold Water is a volunteer collaboration between four local Episcopal churches that has been providing assistance to residents who lost their homes in the recent wildfires through the group’s community outreach program. Since a day after the wildfires started on August 8, volunteers have driven a van around the island to distribute supplies like toiletries, food, clothing, bottled water and other necessities.

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  • Amidst Lean Resources, this Foundation Devises Means to Secure Future for Poor Children in Taraba

    The Umayya Danejo Foundation provides financial support to help out-of-school children enroll in classes and complete exit examinations. The organization also runs a food aid program and has a partnership with tailoring centers where students can learn hands-on trade skills.

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  • Meals on Wheels Delivers Food and Climate Resilience for Seniors

    Local Meals on Wheels programs are known for delivering food to low-income seniors, but during climate disasters, they are in the position to check in on the most vulnerable. The programs’ volunteers and staff do just that, whether that means giving fans to clients during a heatwave, tarping roofs after a hurricane, or making check-up calls.

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  • Del concreto al bolsillo: Descubre cómo cosecharon hasta $30 semanales entre los edificios en Zacamil.

    Para luchar contra el alza de precios de los alimentos, Micelio Suburbano construye huertas para comunidades en espacios urbanos. Los voluntarios que trabajan en las huertas reciben comida para alimentar a sus casas, y así pueden ahorrar dinero.

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  • The Puerto Ricans Illegally Occupying Land to Resist Displacement

    In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, several locals are joining together to occupy land and avoid further displacement. Community members have worked together to address food insecurity by creating community gardens and have also cleaned and repaired abandoned buildings in the community to turn them into food banks, housing options and resource centers for those in need.

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  • The Matriarchs Who Helped Seattle's Urban Native Population

    The Seattle Indian Center, originally started by the matriarchs of the American Indian Women’s Service League, provides Native people in need with resources like food, clothing, financial and employment assistance, community outreach services and a sense of community where their heritage and culture are recognized.

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  • UK food bank users swap face scans for free food

    Food banks and charities in London are partnering with the web platform FaceDonate so they can distribute grocery funds to those in need using facial recognition on their phones. The technology allows charities to ensure the money is spent on food and that only those eligible are spending it.

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  • Westside Food Bank Helps Angelenos

    The Westside Food Bank has been distributing food to community members in need across the city since 1981. Today, they provide nutritious food and fresh produce to 153,000 people facing food insecurity.

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  • Iowa church's 'community fridge' becomes ministry hub connecting neighbors with neighbors

    An insulated shed turned food pantry at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Des Moines, Iowa, is open 24 hours a day seven days a week. Community members can drop off donations or pick up food for themselves at any time for no cost. And the pantry has a refrigerator for perishable goods.

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