Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Local Platforms for Online Food Delivery Are Eating the Big Guys' Lunch

    Locally owned restaurant delivery platforms charge lower commissions than national giants like GrubHub, allow customers to order food on smart-phone apps, and have found ways to be profitable while also keeping money in local economies. While platforms differ by locale, cooperative models are increasingly popular. For example, Delivery Co-op in Lexington, KY provides customers with unlimited deliveries for a monthly fee, charges participating restaurants a flat monthly fee, and pays drivers a base salary plus tips, with benefits kicking after three months of full-time work and profit-sharing after one year.

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  • Worker cooperatives prove your job doesn't have to be hell

    In service industries that traditionally pay and treat workers poorly, worker-owned cooperatives serve as a humane alternative. Worker-owners at eight co-ops in four states describe the difference their jobs make in their working conditions and their lives. They also tell how larger collectives and cooperatives pool resources to help smaller co-ops with the funding and expertise they need, especially when confronted by a disruptive event like the pandemic.

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  • How co-ops across the US weathered COVID-19 by prioritizing their workers

    Worker-run co-ops in the food industry and in the care sector, industries hard hit by COVID-19, have proved resilient in weathering the pandemic. Some, like Cooperative Home Care Associates, partnered with other co-ops to provide discounted PPE supplies for workers. Others provide job opportunities for people who have trouble getting a foothold, like ChiFresh Kitchen’s formerly incarcerated women worker-owners and Red Emma’s in Baltimore. Worker-owner models can also pivot operations more quickly, which helped Brooklyn Packers respond to the pandemic by providing fresh produce to those in need.

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  • The Cherokee Nation to Produce Its Own PPE

    The Cherokee Nation had a hard time sourcing personal protective equipment for health workers, citizens, and others during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tribal leaders decided to use a portion of the CARES Act funding to create their own manufacturing facilities to produce PPE for both Cherokee Nation citizens and non-citizens. Though still in the testing phase, the facilities are already training 10 people and plan to employ a minimum of 25 people. They will make about 200,000 surgical masks a day and will also produce N95 and N99 masks that they will distribute to healthcare workers and other organizations.

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  • Michigan caregivers got a $2 hourly boost in COVID. Should it be permanent?

    The Michigan state legislature temporarily boosted the pay of direct caregivers working with seniors and people that have disabilities by $2 an hour in recognition of their essential and sometimes risky services during the coronavirus pandemic. With about half of direct caregivers living at or near poverty, the pay bump was temporarily renewed at the slightly higher rate of $2.25 an hour, but it is set to expire again in September 2021. The governor has proposed making permanent a pay raise of $2 an hour, which helps the caregivers meet their own basic needs a little better.

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  • What Can Biden's Plan Do for Poverty? Look to Bangladesh.

    Bangladesh has made huge strides in reducing poverty by investing in women experiencing the most economic hardships. As a result, children have lower rates of malnutrition, fewer child marriages, higher rates of completing elementary school, and women have more job opportunities. Over the course of 15 years, 25 million Bangladeshis have been able to break out of poverty. Progress in Bangladesh is a model of success that could be possible in America with Biden's American Rescue Plan which has provisions that would mitigate childhood poverty in America.

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  • When a California city gave people a guaranteed income, they worked more — not less

    A guaranteed income pilot program in Stockton increased full-time employment rates amongst recipients. Cash payments provided “the stability they needed to set goals, take risks, and find new jobs.” In addition to employment, guaranteed income also improves mental health and stimulates local economies, sending out positive ripple effects in a community.

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  • The Biggest Payoff From Stockton's Basic Income Program: Jobs

    A guaranteed income pilot program in Stockton increased full-time employment rates among recipients. Cash payments improved mental health and gave participants the stability, bandwidth, and time to apply and interview for jobs.

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  • More than goodwill: New tactics used to attract new healthcare talent as shortages grow

    An initiative to draw more people to entry-level healthcare professions is seeing success in Ohio. A collaboration of healthcare employers is training and promoting employees to “strengthen the healthcare employee pipeline.”

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  • Faculty of color underrepresented at CSULB

    Nationally and historically, faculty of color have been underrepresented at most universities. At California State University Long Beach, the president proposed the “diversity training initiative,” in order to hire more faculty of color. The initiative requires “equity advocates” to be placed at each college, who “assess job descriptions and work with search committees to make sure the hiring process is done from an “equity-minded foundation.” The biggest jump amongst faculty of color happened in the College of Liberal Arts. Similar efforts are being undertaken by colleges around the country.

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