Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Inside Nigeria's Home-grown School Feeding Programme

    A Nigerian initiative to mitigate childhood food insecurity is sourcing food from small farms to provide daily meals in public elementary schools. In addition to improving the health of children, the program hopes to improve school enrollment and create jobs.

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  • A Canadian study gave $7,500 to homeless people. Here's how they spent it.

    A lump sum of $7,500 was handed out to people experience homelessness in Vancouver as an experiment. The results show that recipients benefitted by accessing stable housing faster and eventually achieving financial stability sooner, in addition to spending less money on alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.

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  • Jubilee Market, a non-profit grocery store in Waco, seeks to provide affordable, nutritious foods in low-income neighborhood

    Jubilee Market is a non-profit grocery store that provides affordable and nutritious foods in low-income neighborhoods. This community-based grocery store caters to the unique cultural needs of the community and helps to improve the overall neighborhood and quality of life.

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  • Cash payments spread from Congress to Stockton to Brazil — but notion of ‘universal basic income' far from reality

    Guaranteed income is gaining popularity across the world. In Stockton, California, monthly cash payments boosted mental and physical health and increased full-time employment levels. The idea has spread to dozens of other cities and a group, Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, is providing funding and guidance for leaders to enact similar programs in their cities.

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  • Why cities are experimenting with giving people cash payments

    Chelsea, Massachusetts, is supplementing its traditional welfare system with a guaranteed income. Cash payments will be provided to recipients who can spend them without any restrictions. Similar universal basic income programs across the country have shown significant positive outcomes that boosted incomes, as well as physical and mental health.

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  • New Leaf Project study shows one-time direct cash transfers positively impact the homeless

    The New Leaf project ran a controlled trial to test the power of direct cash transfers with people experiencing homelessness. Fifty people were given a one-time cash payment of $7,500, which roughly equaled the sum of government income assistance spread out across the year. The impact was measured over 12 months and found that people in the cash group moved into stable housing faster, spent fewer days homeless, and saved more money. The organization found the lump sum, rather than monthly increments, allowed people to make decisions about how they could move their lives forward aimed at stabilization.

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  • Child Tax Credit could help slash the country's poverty rate. How have similar programs worked?

    The Child Tax Credit included in the coronavirus relief package provides a guaranteed income for families with children. The merits of guaranteed income have been established in multiple countries as well as local programs in the United States. Results have shown that cash payments allow people to focus on whatever their basic needs are. Poverty rates in places like Alaska have dropped drastically due to cash payments from the government.

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  • Guaranteed Income in Jackson Designed By Black Moms for Black Moms, Showing Results for Black Moms

    Beneficiaries of a guaranteed income program in Mississippi have received monthly cash payments that they are free to spend however they need to. Known as Magnolia Mothers, the program has allowed mothers to pay off debt, invest in business, avoid predatory loans, and consider educational opportunities that can help increase their income and quality of life.

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  • We Can Eliminate Child Poverty

    Cash payments have proven to be effective in decreasing child poverty rates. Eastern Cherokee families in North Carolina receive bi-annual casino profits which have led to multiple positive outcomes that were not shared by other families living nearby. In Canada, national poverty rates dropped by 20 percent after the introduction of the Canada Child Benefit which provides cash to families depending on their income.

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  • Why This County Is Giving Foster Youth $1,000 A Month, No Strings Attached

    A pilot program in Santa Clara County, California, is providing a guaranteed monthly income to young adults who age out of the foster care system. In addition to $1,000 the recipients will also have access to financial advice. This particular demographic was chosen for the pilot program based on statistics that show foster care youth are susceptible to homelessness and mental illness in part due to a lack of a support system.

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