Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • AI tool helps law enforcement find victims of human trafficking

    When Emily Kennedy was a teenager traveling in Eastern Europe she saw street kids she learned were trafficked by the Russian mob and decided to tackle human trafficking in her college work. The company she launched, Marinus Analytics, created a software application that has been used by authorities to rescue hundreds of victims in the U.S. and Canada and is expanding. The data it gathers has also debunked assumptions about how and where trafficking takes place.

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  • Theatres seek help from 'intimacy experts' in the wake of #MeToo

    In order to respond to sexual harrassment allegations against prominent members of the Australian theater community, directors, unions, and companies have collaborated on a new code of conduct. The code includes a ‘safe conversations officer’ acting as an ombudsman, intimacy training for employees, and ways to reduce a company or production’s reliance on one actor for financial security.

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  • Men half as likely to assault partners after parenting course, study finds

    MenCare is a 15-class course in Rwanda that teaches men about fatherhood, caregiving, and gender roles. A study that evaluated the course found that men who participated in the program were half as likely to use violence against women.

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  • Sacramento's Quest to End Solitary Confinement for Kids

    Solitary Confinement on youth can be extremely emotionally damaging. The practice is also costly, and can lead to expensive lawsuits. Yet, a slew of states and youth detention centers are trying to reduce the time young people spend in solitary confinement. In the Sacramento Juvenile Detention, one program is doing that.

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  • As opioids land more women in prison, Ohio finds alternative treatments

    The Ohio Reformatory for Women is a prison that offers inmates a chance to enroll in Tapestry, an inpatient drug treatment program that tries to delve into the deeper causes women turn to drugs. It also believes in connecting women who are addicts with one another because “on the outside there’s not enough support.” The 18 month program is “about healing mind, body and spirit.”

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  • Oakland restaurant devises system to combat customers' harassment of workers

    In Oakland, California a restaurant has created a system that allows servers to covertly notify management of harassment from customers. Employees of the establishment, Homeroom, came together to develop a color-coded system that keeps servers safe from customers, gives managers the opportunity to intervene, and empowers and trusts employees when they say they’re being harassed.

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  • Meet the Muslim Women Fighting for Sex Ed in Their Communities

    The organization HEART Women & Girls was founded by Muslim women to provide a means for young women to receive culturally sensitive sex education, a safe space to discuss issues of sexuality and sexual violence, and to train staff of community centers, mosques, and other appropriate people to better handle issues of sexuality.

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  • Muslim women are speaking out against abuse with #MosqueMeToo

    Egyptian journalist and author Mona Eltahawy created the hashtag #MosqueMeToo to share her experience about getting sexually assaulted during Hajj, a five day pilgrimage to Mecca that takes place every year. Eltahawy wanted to follow the footsteps of Tarana Burke, and create an intersectional platform where all types of women can speak out against their abusers. “We are putting men on notice that we are done.”

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  • The better way to support rape victims: put their needs first

    While still a relatively new field, restorative justice is providing a way for some sexual assault survivors, and perpetrators, to make amends. Restorative justice is an approach to dealing with crime that involves the person that committed the offense to admit his or her actions and ask for forgiveness, then go through a set of actions to repair the crime, such as community service. Some victims and offenders are finding this a much more productive process than going through the criminal justice system. A peer-reviewed study “reported high rates of satisfaction with the process."

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  • Berlin's LGBTQ refugee center a haven for those fleeing civil war, homophobia

    Germany's first refugee center exclusively for LGBTQ immigrants provided safe housing and services to people who otherwise might be subjected to some of the same discrimination and attacks in German shelters that they fled in their home countries. During the 2016 refugee crisis, Schwulenberatung Berlin, an LGBTQ charity, opened the 120-bed shelter with psychotherapists, lawyers, and support staff to help refugees find housing and jobs. These refugees often fell prey to homophobic attacks in other shelters, thanks to the same attitudes that motivated many to seek safety in Europe in the first place

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