Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A.D.A. Now!

    Congress' passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act 30 years ago made life-changing advances for millions of people with all manner of disabilities. Beyond removing physical barriers and opening education, employment, and public accommodations, it also opened minds to see people with disabilities as fully human – a barrier that had existed historically. The protests and lobbying to put a civil rights lens on these barriers as discrimination got the law enacted, but social change is still a work in progress.

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  • How 'the most violent' special education school ended restraint and seclusion

    Centennial School in Pennsylvania has dramatically reduced its need for student restraint over the last 20 year, challenging the notion that seclusion or restraint is an option when dealing with students with disabilities. Its approach replaces previous drastic measures and instead relies on teaching what good behavior looks like rather than punishment, placing two teachers in the classroom rather than one, and increase emphasis on weekly professional development.

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  • 30 Years Later: How The ADA Changed Life For People With Disabilities

    The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) mandated public places, businesses, facilities, and schools make accommodations for people with disabilities, including ramps, accessible entrances and bathrooms, and designated parking spaces. The ADA also makes discrimination against people with disabilities illegal, establishes a nationwide communication system for people with speech or hearing impairments, and encourages community-based services over institutionalization. While accessibility and discrimination can still be problems, the ADA has allowed people with disabilities to live independently.

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  • Breaking down the disability stigma, one creation at a time

    A collaborative movement in Indonesia is creating job opportunities within the creative sector for those living with disabilities. Gerakan Kreabilitas holds workshops and events to provide business training through mentors who provide their expertise and business connections in supporting the micro-enterprises. The program also does outreach to local businesses and government officials to reduce barriers and stigmas faced by disabled Indonesians seeking work.

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  • Designing Accessible Communities

    Design students are being taught about accessibility and the challenges faced by those who live with disabilities at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. While new construction must comply with basic accessibility standards, the course is taught in an effort to make accessibility a bigger factor when architects and designers build new developments.

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  • The Precisionists pairs people with autism in jobs in which they'll thrive

    A technology service company based in Wilmington, DE hires neurodiverse employees, people with developmental disabilities, to fulfill roles that they may typically be overlooked for despite their skillsets. TPI avoids the typical hiring practices that include interviews, small talk, or eye contact. Instead, they are tested through complicated LEGO kits, allowing potential employees to shine within their comfort zones. TPI's hiring practices have been so successful that they are in the process of scaling their business to other cities in order to tap into this typically overlooked pool of candidates.

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  • Advocacy for LGBTQIA Children, Youth Grows in Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

    The Episcopal Church advised Dioceses to be more inclusive of LGBTQIA and differently abled children and youth, particularly in light of the high numbers of LGBTQIA youth suicides. Rather than wait the years it could take for specific how-to guidance, the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta trained 30 volunteers to lead “Safeguarding” sessions where church members hear first hand accounts of the needs and concerns of LGBTQIA and differently abled youth and can form relationships with them and their families. The sessions are booked two months out and all clergy in the Diocese are being required to attend in person.

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  • How accessibility consultants are building a more inclusive video game industry behind the scenes

    Making the video game industry more inclusive means allowing a broader segment of the population to experience a popular and important aspect of recreation by implementing features that add in various accessibility features. Specific, accessibility consultants work with game developers to add in the features known to make games inclusive for disabled individuals - which normalizes these features and helps advocate for the importance of disability inclusion in a larger context.

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  • 'Water is my happy place': accessible surf school ignites passion for sport in Bristol

    The UK is home to an artificial surfing lagoon that aims to help those with disabilities have access to water sports they otherwise may not be able to participate in. Acting as both a physical and mental rehabilitation methodology, The Wave was designed "to make sure the space was accessible physically and in terms of culture, to make sure that all people have the same opportunities on site as each other and to normalise being around people who have got physical or mental health issues."

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  • Wisconsin once had a 'model' voting rights program for people with disabilities. Officials have let it decline.

    Wisconsin's program to make voting and polling locations accessible for people with disabilities once garnered national attention, though it has since fallen behind where it used to be. The program called for an audit of voting locations every two years, and follow up action plans for inaccessible locations.

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