Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Pathways to recovery

    In Española, New Mexico, a state-funded program called the Pathways Community HUB Model brings law enforcement, health care providers, and treatment centers together to make sure they have a whole picture of each addiction patient's medical and criminal background. The program allows all entities to have access to a single database with medical and criminal records, allowing people working to combat addiction in the community to have a better idea of each patient's story.

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  • New Initiative Aims To Address Opiate Addiction From Multiple Angles

    Heroin and opiate addiction is a growing problem across the country, but it’s also a familiar concern in Rio Arriba county. Local health officials have tried for years to reduce the number of overdose deaths in the county. A new initiative called Pathways aims to bring new resources to the fight, but not everyone agrees that it’s the best approach.

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  • How to get a treatment that works into “every medicine cabinet”

    Opioid overdoses have increased across the United States and rural areas have more difficult access to receive proper treatment. Narcan or Naloxone is a treatment for opioid overdose that is more accessible now to rural communities in New Mexico, offering more expedient emergency response.

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  • Meet the Ex-Inmate Whose Successful Prison Rehab Program Goes Beyond Drug Treatment

    Led by peers and providing everything from group therapy to tips on how to build credit, the Timelist program works with the recently paroled as well as the presently incarcerated to reduce recidivism. Seven years after it started, Timelist’s comprehensive approach has a perfect record of it’s graduates staying out of prison.

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  • Questa program reframes opioid treatment in rural New Mexico

    A comprehensive rehabilitation facility in Taos, New Mexico uses a holistic approach to curbing addiction by offering group therapy along with traditional medical treatment. By addressing deeper mental and emotional factors that can lead to addiction, the Questa Health Center has enabled addicts to face their demons head-on, with constant support.

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  • Roanoke initiative shifts from arresting addicts to helping them

    In one year, the drug overdoses in Roanoke, VA have taken 12 lives and another 76 have overdosed but survived. The police department developed a new program called the Roanoke Valley Hope Initiative, designed to provide rehabilitation without arrest for those who seek it. The program simulates the successful national effort to help drug abusers instead of incarcerating them.

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  • Treating alcoholics - with wine

    The recommended treatment for chronic alcoholism is abstinence. But at the Oaks - a permanent home for those who once lived on the streets - residents are given a measure of wine at hourly intervals. It is called the Managed Alcohol Program, and aims to change the drinking behaviour of inveterate addicts.

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  • Ugly Is the New Look for Cigarette Packs

    During the twentieth century, imagery on cigarette packs communicated that smoking was cool and young, and it encouraged young people, as well as adults, to smoke. In 2012, Australia started “unbranding the pack,” which standardized cigarettes without a brand and showed the physically gruesome effects of smoking with health factoids on the packaging. Since then, the World Health Organization has recommended this new kind of packaging and the idea has spread to other countries to scale the success.

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  • Breaking bad habits: Mindful addiction recovery

    One of the hardest problems in tackling addiction is understanding how to approach it. In this video a University of Massachusetts psychiatrist is implementing mindfulness tools as a way to steer the brain away from addictive tendencies.

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  • Can Alamosa find a fix for the ‘catch-all' emergency room?

    Wellness centers around Colorado aim to fill the treatment gap left by lack of mental health crisis intervention services. Rather than send individuals in a mental health crisis to a traditional emergency room - which can be overwhelming and increase anxiety for these patients - communities take advantage of alternative wellness centers that offer soothing settings and comforting staff.

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