Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Précarité et confinement : à Nantes, l'accès à l'aide alimentaire s'organise

    Pour répondre à l’urgence sociale pendant la pandémie du Coronavirus, les Restos du cœur de Loire-Atlantique ont ouvert, pour la première fois de leur existence, un centre de distribution alimentaire au sein du siège social départemental.

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  • Elderly get ‘exclusive hour' in Australian supermarkets

    Many supermarkets spend most days overcrowded and rapidly out of stock due to the coronavirus crisis, so the major grocery retailer in Australia designated the first hour of business to serving seniors and the disabled. Although there's no guarantee that all items will have been restocked, the dedicated time allows this at-risk population to have a better chance at obtaining the necessities.

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  • Why tough times can mean better neighbors

    Across the world, communities are beginning to use a variety of different methodologies to better connect with their neighbors during the coronavirus pandemic. From social media to public Google documents, neighborhoods are working together to combat loneliness during social distancing and help make sure the most vulnerable have the necessities.

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  • La France devrait s'inspirer de ce foyer suisse pour jeunes migrants

    Alors qu'en France, les places manquent pour accueillir des jeunes mineurs isolés dans des conditions dignes, à Genève le foyer Blue Sky accueille depuis 3 ans, des des jeunes réfugié.e.s de 7 à 15 ans, pour une durée moyenne de dix mois. Un accueil dans la bienveillance et centré sur un travail de compréhension interculturelle en profondeur. Le tout pour un coût maîtrisé.

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  • Trouver un vrai foyer pour les enfants migrants isolés

    En Europe, la majorité des mineurs non accompagnés est hébergé en centre d'accueil. Pourtant ce n'est pas la meilleure solution alors qu'ils ont besoin d'un lien affectif. Depuis 2017, l’Union européenne tente de renforcer le placement en famille d’accueil par le biais du projet FOR_UM, plateforme grâce à laquelle les associations et les experts de neuf pays peuvent échanger. Exemple en Espagne où cette solution se développe à petits pas.

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  • Chicago Has Failed To Collect Ambulance Fees, Prevent Misuse Of Ambulances Needed For Emergencies

    After realizing that too many people were calling 911 for issues that were not medical emergencies in Richland, Illinois, a program was launched to act as an intervention strategy. After the start, calls decreased by over 40 percent, which helped make emergency vehicles and responders available for more serious calls.

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  • Wikipédia : seulement 18% de pages pour les femmes

    Seules 18% des pages du Wikipédia francophone sont consacrées aux femmes. Il y a 3 ans, ce chiffre était de 16%. Ce progrès est dû aux efforts d'une association, "les sans pagEs", qui oeuvre à combler le fossé.

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  • Reduce Health Costs By Nurturing The Sickest? A Much-Touted Idea Disappoints

    Researchers in New Jersey have been testing the idea that an increased specialized care model directed towards the sickest and most expensive patients would help reduce costs and improve health, but the trials have been less than promising. However, it was in the failures of the approach, that researchers learned that creating broader partnerships and addressing underlying issues for the patients may have been the missing key.

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  • 'Water is my happy place': accessible surf school ignites passion for sport in Bristol

    The UK is home to an artificial surfing lagoon that aims to help those with disabilities have access to water sports they otherwise may not be able to participate in. Acting as both a physical and mental rehabilitation methodology, The Wave was designed "to make sure the space was accessible physically and in terms of culture, to make sure that all people have the same opportunities on site as each other and to normalise being around people who have got physical or mental health issues."

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  • Immersion Program Seeks Next Generation Of Rural Doctors

    Rural areas are often underserved when it comes to medical access, but a town in Missouri is working on changing this by immersing medical students in rural life. Offering students a glimpse of small town life while working alongside local healthcare providers, the immersion program serves as a recruitment tool and is showing promise.

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