Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Nepalese Rice Farmers Boost Yields By Sowing Fewer Plants And Cutting Water

    Using a somewhat counter-intuitive process, rice farmers in Nepal are seeing higher yields practicing the system of rice intensification (SRI), a method which calls for planting fewer seedlings, planting them younger and using less water. Some farmers have reported a 100% increase in crop yields, which can triple incomes with an added environmental benefit.

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  • How high-tech agriculture is transforming the fortunes of Nigerian rice farmers

    New planting and harvesting techniques and improved seeds are transforming farmers' fortunes and boosting harvests in Nigeria, where rice is a staple food but local supply fails to keep up with high demand. Farmers are also relying on agriculture apps like RiceAdvice and WeedManager, which quickly determine fertilizer quantities and identify harmful weeds.

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  • This Detroit farm is helping former inmates stay out of prison

    When people are released from prison, they often have a hard time finding work due to time lapsed and prison records. RecoveryPark Farms in Detroit, Michigan aims to change this by providing job training in urban farming which benefits both the individuals and the community.

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  • How African scientists are improving cassava to help feed the world

    Cassava, a root plant that feeds and supports over 800 million people across the globe, is ready for an improvement. As part of the Next Generation Cassava Breeding project, scientists are exploring how to increase the plant’s yield and help it withstand climate conditions to feed more people. Through hydroponics and technological testing of seed varieties, cassava is finally getting the attention and funding it needs.

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  • From Cocaine To Cacao: One Man's Mission To Save Colombia's Farmers Through Chocolate

    One man's chocolate company in Bogotá is aiming to change the lives of farmers in the Chocó department of Colombia. Concerned about the rise in the country's coca production (used to make cocaine), the company helps farmers transition from the coca to cacao production by teaching them the necessary skills to succeed.

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  • The Seed Queen of Palestine

    A Palestinian woman is working to revive ancient heirloom seeds that yield crops used in traditional Palestinian cuisine by providing the seeds to local farmers and educating them on how they can be used.

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  • 'Farming While Black': A Guide To Finding Power And Dignity Through Food

    Many sustainable farming practices originate from African roots, yet the industry in the United States is largely dominated by people who are white. Leah Penniman, an African American farmer based in a food desert in New York, saw the need to change this and began teaching her neighbors growing techniques and management practices, while also addressing social issues such as racism and food access.

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  • Women Get a Voice in Conventional Agriculture

    Because women make up a smaller percentage of farmers in America as compared to men in the field, their work and contributions to the industry are often overlooked. HarvestHER, a social media-based platform established by a small-town Montana farmer, aims to alleviate the stress of working in a men-dominant field by giving women a voice in the community.

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  • A Safe Place to Grow

    The Sankofa Community Farm High School Internship Program in Philadelphia supports 25 students each summer (and 12 during the school year) by teaching them how to farm, bringing these skills back to their communities, and connecting them to college opportunities. The internship program is just one part of Bartram Garden’s network of programs that teach about African heritage and food justice. Through these programs, Bartram distributes over 15,000 pounds of food and teaches over 10,000 students each year - all while keeping the local produce affordable to the surrounding areas.

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  • Rooftop farming: why vertical gardening is blooming in Kampala

    As the population of urban areas in Uganda grows, many farmers are finding that they are running out of space to cultivate successful business in agriculture. One solution that has surfaced has been to build up instead of out.

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