Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Community Gardens Flourish in Trenton

    Trenton, NJ residents are improving their city through urban agriculture. ISLES, the non-profit group supporting the community gardens, is encouraging community-building as well as a healthy lifestyle that benefits people and the environment. Over 60 community gardens are thriving throughout the Trenton area, showing the value of urban agriculture for a community.

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  • Food: Farming for the Future

    As climate change continues to advance, its impact on farmlands has become more pronounced and increasingly devastating. Farmers and researchers in both South Africa and Nepal are working towards solutions to problems specifically related to climate change. Centered on developing technology, these farmers have found success with NASA satellite imagery as well as local clinics.

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  • In Rural Uganda, Women Supporting Women

    Though the overall poverty rate has been dropping in recent years, rural communities in Uganda still lack many basic resources, including access to healthy food, toiletries, and economic opportunity. The Network of Women in Agribusiness and Development was founded by women to empower and support their sisters through educational initiatives, agricultural training, and the provision of items such as pigs and fruit trees to help them break the cycle of poverty.

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  • Mansfield in need of a 'food systems intervention'

    Community leaders are working together to address the issue of food insecurity in Mansfield, caused not just by lack of access to grocery stores and fresh food sources, but also often by unemployment, high housing costs, low wages, poverty, and health care costs. The North End Local Foods Initiative is installing food gardens in these communities, creating access to fresh produce, to educational opportunities, recreational activity and more.

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  • ‘Sweet' redemption through group farming

    In the Phillipines, the Agregarian Comprehensive Reform law passed in 1988 opened up the doors for farmers to own the land they worked, giving way to communal farms. Communal farms are a type of business model in which many farmers own and manage the land. One of those farms is the Minoro Isabel Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association. In 2016, the communal farm made a profit of $3.28 million, 90 percent of that was reinvested into the group.

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  • How Hybrid Seeds Could Help The Mountain Gorillas Of Congo

    As a response to a growing population, farmers have begun encroaching into Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo in order to expand their crop yield. This creates a problem for the endangered great apes that live there, however, as it depletes their food, water and shelter resources. One non-profit is trying to change this landscape by improving farming practices with new seed varieties.

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  • Is farming a public service?

    To develop the next generation of producers, the Young Farmers Coalition non-profit is now pushing Congress and individual state legislatures to take a big step: forgiving farmers’ student loans.

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  • Can blackberries and tilapia help New Mexico's small farmers thrive?

    A group of agriculture producers think new, low-cost growing techniques, high-value crops and an increased interest in local produce offer solutions to New Mexico’s food struggles.

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  • This Slaughterhouse Will Let You Watch What Actually Happens Inside

    As skepticism increases around the health of consuming meat products due to inhumane ways the animals are being reared and raised, this Vermont packinghouse is embracing transparency by letting the public see all. From tours of the facility to learning how the animal was raised and later killed, this slaughterhouse is trying to change the narrative around the secrecy behind the meat on your table.

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  • How three U.S. mini-farms are sowing the seeds of global food security

    Three biointensive mini-farms in the US are teaching small-scale farmers from throughout the world how to grow more food through sustainable practices that focus on using less water and land. After bringing these farmers onto the US farms to learn the methods through a hands-on approach, the farmers then return to their home countries to implement and encourage the biointensive practices.

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