Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Moms Fighting Against Moms for Liberty

    In response to a rise in extremist activism in their school districts, a group of parents, students, and educators in the Hudson Valley formed Defense of Democracy, which rallies at school board meetings, hosts workshops on education activism, collaborates with local elected leaders, spearheads petitions, and more. The group helped two of its endorsed candidates win school board elections and has now grown to roughly 1,500 active volunteers nationwide.

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  • With a mobile app Nigerians can monitor public projects but users say database is incomplete

    Eyemark is a mobile application that allows citizens to track, monitor, and evaluate Federal Government projects they’re interested in across the country, as these projects often get abandoned with little to no information shared with the public. App users can also leave reviews of projects, as well as feedback that officials can address.

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  • Caregivers in Michigan are reaching a breaking point

    Caregivers who step up to the plate to care for friends or family members are often overworked and underpaid. To remedy this, several organizations and measures at both the local and national levels are emerging to provide support. For example, the RAISE Family Caregivers Act became law in 2018 and is designed to create a nationwide strategy on how government officials can better support caregivers. On a local level, nonprofits like Team Suzy provide financial support and resources to those suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s who can’t afford necessary supplies.

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  • Ann Arbor's big decarbonization bet

    As a part of the city’s carbon neutrality plan, Ann Arbor Michigan’s Community Action Network is decarbonizing homes in one of its most socioeconomically vulnerable neighborhoods by repairing, retrofitting, installing solar panels, and asking the community members for their input.

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  • Diversion of UBE Funds impedes delivery of quality education in Nigeria, but HDI devises a means to hold state government accountable

    Human Development Initiatives trains community members to monitor school infrastructure projects eligible for government education funding and gather information to present to the state board when projects are not completed. As a result of the community tracking efforts, several schools have received significant upgrades.

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  • Community Transitional School aims to provide academic support and stability

    Community Transitional School, a nonprofit school serving students experiencing poverty and homelessness, emphasizes peer support, personalized learning, and holistic services to help reduce stigma and help students succeed academically.

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  • From Japan to Brazil: Reforesting the Amazon with the Miyawaki method

    In Brazil, the Friends of the Amazon Forest Institute is using the Miyawaki method in its reforestation projects to see fast results. The method requires planting several species of native trees randomly in organic soil and then allowing nature to run its course with little-to-no human intervention.

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  • The healing power of forests

    Forest bathing is the practice of going into the woods and tapping into your senses to calm your mind. It is helping people recover from depression and addiction alongside traditional therapy practices.

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  • Science for All: A documentary on citizen science

    Citizen scientists in India are using apps like iNaturalist to contribute to scientific research on biodiversity. They help fills gaps in data by adding photos of plants and animals to the app for researchers to assess.

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  • People Fixing The World - The healing power of forests

    Forest bathing encourages mindfulness in nature by focusing on sights and sounds in the forest, to calm the mind and relieve feelings of depression and anxiety. Several institutions use forest therapy as treatment options for various conditions, such as the Costa Rica Treatment Center, which helps people healing from addiction participate in forest bathing as part of their recovery. Forest bathing helps participants form a closer relationship with nature and themselves and learn how to regulate their emotions.

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