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  • Greenhouse Gas Scientist Questions How To Cut Emissions On Her Own Farm

    As a response to global climate change, many are turning to farming and agricultural practices as a response. Plants are able to bring carbon dioxide into soil, where some is stored, reducing the overall amount in the air. While initially seen as a silver bullet solution, scientists are now discovering limitations – like overestimating how much carbon can be stored. For small farms, in order to adopt more eco-conscious practices, they need more economic incentives to change their ways.

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  • Meating In The Middle: The Challenge of Lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions On Farms

    From small farms to the larger, agriculture industry, changes are being made to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas being emitted into the air. With methane emissions considered one of the top worst greenhouse gasses – and agriculture a major contributor to it – the industry is looking toward new practices, like cover crops and new diets for cows. Responses are happening on many levels, but in order to make sustainable change, farmers and researchers must collaboratively work together.

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  • Dairy Alternatives: Converting Cattle Methane Into Renewable Energy

    After California passed new regulations mandating that the dairy industry needs to mitigate the amount of methane emissions produced from cows, some farms like Airoso Dairy are adopting new technologies to do the job. The farm works with energy companies to use a digester that converts the cow’s manure into biofuel. While the initial investment in the technology can be expensive, this conversion of fuel has also added a new revenue stream for the farm.

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  • California's Latest Weapon Against Climate Change Is Low-Tech Farm Soil

    California’s Healthy Soils Initiative is providing funding for farmers across the state to grow cover crops that will help move carbon from the air to the soil. Doing so not only cleans the air, but helps the soil and crops retain moisture in a state that has often faced water scarcity. Besides being a response to climate change, the initiative has bridged the deep divide between California’s coastal and valley populations, showing that they need each other to respond to climate issues.

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  • The case for carbon farming in California

    California has been leading the way in what is becoming an increasingly popular response to climate change: carbon farming. The practice reabsorbs carbon that’s in the air, into the soil, and can be achieved through methods like composting, no-till agriculture, or cover crops. While a promising practice, cost-related concerns and the sustainability and longevity of the response remain in question.

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  • One overlooked way to fight climate change? Dispose of old CFCs.

    Banned refrigerants called CFCs are being cleaned up and recycled to help offset climate change. The refrigerants were banned decades ago as part of the Montreal Protocol due to the extremely destructive effects they carry with them. The voluntary carbon market has allowed private companies in countries with more resources to travel to countries like Ghana and Costa Rica to transport the CFCs, clean them, and offset their carbon footprint on carbon markets.

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  • Could Hawaii Be Paradise For Hydrogen-Powered Public Transit?

    Funded by federal grant money, the state, and the Office of Naval Research, Hawaii County public transit has developed its first hydrogen-powered shuttle bus. What’s been called the “fuel of the future,” hydrogen fuel cells create a power source that’s only emissions are clean water vapor. While a seemingly viable and scalable clean-energy source, such development and infrastructure requires large financial investments that many states have yet to prioritize.

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  • Citizen engagement is helping Costa Rica fight climate change

    With its pledge to become the first zero-emission country in the world by 2050, Costa Rica's ambitious climate goals cannot be achieved by the government alone. That's why Costa Rica Limpia (Clean Costa Rica) is sparking citizen engagement to help in the fight. Grassroots efforts by the organization has already helped to create new charging infrastructure for electric cars, and citizen review bodies are local communities access important climate data.

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  • Scientists just figured out how to turn CO2 back into coal

    Researchers in Australia have discovered a way to capture CO2 from the air and turn it back into solid carbon. The new method uses liquid metal and electricity to process the CO2 and store it at room temperature – something that until now had not been possible. Scientists say it shows potential for large scale use – in combination with sustainable energy – as the world continues to grapple with the effects of climate change.

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  • Community Cooperative battles hunger and pollution one plant at a time

    A soup kitchen in Lee County, Florida, is feeding the community and also educating people about sustainability. Access to urban farming and the resulting fresh produce allows the initiative to teach adults and students about growing food, nutrition and making better lifestyle choices. The urban garden also contributes to reducing air pollution.

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