Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • An innovative approach to criminal justice reform: Put black women in charge

    South Fulton is the only city in the U.S. to put black women in charge of its criminal justice system—from the judge, to the prosecutor, to the public defender. “The result: A focus on community policing, pretrial diversion programs and assigning public defenders to all cases.” Ultimately, the aim is to divert black people from entering the prison pipeline, and establishing a model that can be replicated in other cities.

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  • A Public School That Not Only Keeps Children Safe, But Heals

    Cherokee Point Elementary School in San Diego became a trauma-informed school in 2015, and since then suspensions have fallen to zero (and remained that way since) and they no longer need a campus police officer. The school's approach includes revised disciplinary practices, social-emotional instruction, free breakfast, school-wide training about trauma, strong parental engagement, and intensive individual support. They even partner with community organizations that all them to create and offer a wider variety of services than the school could on its own.

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  • Alive and Kicking

    The Young People’s Chorus of New York City uses music and dance to provide an emotional and creative outlet for children and teens from disparate communities. Through opera, dance, and chorus, this group creates connections between students who may never interact otherwise. The YPC now has a membership of 1,700 students and partnerships with famous composers, like Michael Torke, that produces original music. On top of everything else, the group also offers SAT tutoring, homework help, and guidance on applying to college.

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  • Two Years Ago, Cincinnati Voted to Fund a $15 Million Pre-K Program for Struggling Families. Now More Than 1,300 Kids Have Gotten a Leg Up on Kindergarten

    In 2016, Cincinnati, Ohio voters overwhelmingly approved a new program that would help more than 1,300 low-income families gain access to quality preschools. Not only does the program, called Preschool Promise, offer financial assistance for tuition, but they also work with additional preschools to get their programs up to speed to qualify for the program. Testimonials from parents say that it has changed their children's lives.

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  • New York City Launches Initiative to Eliminate Racial Disparities in Maternal Death

    To combat racial disparities in maternal health care, New York is funding a partnership program between the city and communities to improve maternal healthcare for women of color. Both public and private hospitals will implement implicit bias training and the city will work to improve its data collection. Hospitals will also receive funds for health coordinators to make sure women are accessing care.

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  • How opera found an open ear in South Africa's townships

    Shirley Apthorp was inspired by Venezuela's El Sistema, a national system that provides impoverished kids access to music education. She wanted to do something similar with opera in South Africa, were the genre was once a privilege enjoyed by white people. So, Apthort created Unculo, an organization that aims to support social change through music.

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  • ICE Has Conducted Hundreds of Raids in New York Since Trump Came to Power. Here's What Those Operations Look Like.

    In order to understand and end legal and extralegal ways the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency terrorizes immigrant communities it is essential to understand where and how ICE raids are happening. ICEWatch is a collaboration between immigrant advocacy organizations to map ICE raids—mostly in New York City—and document the tactics, location, and story of the raid.

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  • Keby sme boli Rómovia, z Británie by sme sa už nevrátili

    V ostrom kontraste s ich slovenskou vlasťou, Anglicko otvorilo svoju náruč rómskym prisťahovalcom a ponúklo im súbor opatrení, ktoré im majú pomôcť uspieť v ich novej krajine. Rómovia, ktorí sa stali obeťami rasizmu na oboch miestach, ale najmä medzi Slovákmi, dostávajú v Anglicku zdravotné poradenstvo a pomoc pri vzdelávaní, ktorých podstatou je inklúzia. Napríklad britská politika v oblasti školskej dochádzky zvýšila dochádzku rómskych detí o 30 percent a len málo z nich je posunutých do špeciálnych škôl.

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  • Getting low-income kids into jobs by getting them into career-themed high schools

    In San Antonio, career-themed schools are at the center “of a growing push to more closely match the skills students gather in high school with workforce needs.” The Center for Applied Science and Technology (CAST), described as akin to “an outpost of Google,” works with industry partners to connect students with local jobs and ensure lessons are up to date, all while emphasizing socioeconomic integration through an approach called “diversity by design.”

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  • Women of Color Face Significant Barriers When Running for Office. But They're Finding Support

    This election cycle, organizations are recognizing that women of color running for office need guidance and resources that take into account the challenges women of color face. “We needed to create a space that is unique for Black women to talk about the challenges and opportunities that exist that are unique for Black women so we can move Black women up the political pipeline.”

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