Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A Year Later, Fewer Deportations in Cities That Adopted “Welcoming” Policies

    In the state of New Mexico, policy makers, activists, religious leaders, and the community are all working hand in hand to make the state a safe harbor for undocumented immigrants. The state is refusing to cooperate with ICE and aside from California is one of the most friendly to immigrants. A community organizer says, “We wanted to push back against this narrative that ICE just gets to come in our communities and kidnap people from their homes.”

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  • How Nearly 2,000 Cameras Tamed a Notorious American Prison

    1,875 cameras and 915 microphones is what it took to change a culture of abuse in Attica State Prison, notoriously known as one of the worst places to serve time in amongst prisoners. Since the installation of the cameras, incident reports against corrections officers dropped 80 percent.

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  • Sacramento's Quest to End Solitary Confinement for Kids

    Solitary Confinement on youth can be extremely emotionally damaging. The practice is also costly, and can lead to expensive lawsuits. Yet, a slew of states and youth detention centers are trying to reduce the time young people spend in solitary confinement. In the Sacramento Juvenile Detention, one program is doing that.

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  • Human experience will always speak louder than any campaign

    A campaign by human rights organization Amnesty International is emphasizing personal stories of hope and understanding instead of encouraging fear and trepidation. So far, the viral campaigns have helped to show the plight of refugees in human terms and given those who disagree with their human rights a reason to see a new perspective.

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  • Taking Aim at Gun Violence, With Personal Deterrence

    To decrease the amount of gun-related fatalities, cities are focusing on joint efforts with their communities and police departments to target those most at risk for shooting or being shot on the streets. Known nationally as Ceasefire, this initiative aims to identify the individuals from this selected target group - and open a dialogue about their options and the consequences of gun-related retaliation. Nationally, the program has had some trouble sustaining when the cities rely too much on the police department, but when it works, shooting have decreased dramatically.

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  • 'I have no thought of escaping': inside the Brazilian prisons with no guards

    In Apac prisons, inmates hold the keys. “By committing a crime, prisoners break the social pact,” says Ana Paula Pellegrino of Igarape Institute. “An Apac prison restores this by allowing inmates to work for the community.” Inmates contribute to local projects, follow a routine of work and study, and are addressed by name rather than number. The rehabilitation-focused approach is completely different from what happens in Brazil's mainstream prisons, a fact that motivates inmates to honor the rules.

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  • As opioids land more women in prison, Ohio finds alternative treatments

    The Ohio Reformatory for Women is a prison that offers inmates a chance to enroll in Tapestry, an inpatient drug treatment program that tries to delve into the deeper causes women turn to drugs. It also believes in connecting women who are addicts with one another because “on the outside there’s not enough support.” The 18 month program is “about healing mind, body and spirit.”

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  • Legal Pot Is Notoriously White. Oakland Is Changing That.

    A nonprofit incubator in Oakland trains people of color to stake their claim in the booming California legal marijuana industry. Participants in the Hood Incubator learn the business skills and industry knowledge to thrive as they open dispensaries and try their hand at selling legal weed.

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  • Hole in the Fence

    In the 1980s the Mexican economy falls and a surge of undocumented immigrants begin crossing the Rio Grande river into El Paso, TX. Border Patrol agents begin stopping and questioning high school students near the border in Bowie High School. After one of the high school teachers finds out, the students began to organize, eventually suing border patrol for infringing on their constitutional rights. Ultimately, the high school students win a landmark civil rights case. “We couldn’t believe we took on the federal government and won.”

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  • Border Trilogy Part 1: Hole in the Fence

    In the 90s, a teacher at Bowie High School, located on the border city of El Paso, Texas, found out that hundreds of his Mexican-American students were being harassed and questioned by Border Patrol agents. Their fourth amendment rights were being violated and a group of students decided to fight back—they sued Border Patrol and won. The court ruled that Border Patrol violated their civil rights and the decision effectively barred Border Patrol from questioning people on the basis of their appearance.

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