Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Training Center Gives Former Child Soldiers a New Start

    Since 2000 an estimated 550 children have been trained by the Union of Technicians for Unemployed Young People, a group that is trying to reintegrate child soldiers back into society. It’s not uncommon for child soldiers to join or be forced into armed groups who form part of the Central Republic's civil war. However, the union provides room and board to former child soldiers and teaches them courses in things like “ sewing, hairdressing, leather goods, carpentry and soap making. They can also improve their literacy and learn cooking and entrepreneurship skills.”

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  • What Happened After California Revolutionized Sex Ed

    California does well when it comes to healthy teen sex behaviours, but the Healthy Youth Act has pushed this even further. This act provides a more comprehensive education including LGBTQ relationships, medical accuracy etc.

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  • The Fight to Fix America's Broken Bail System

    Jails are overcrowded with inmates awaiting their trial and who didn't have the money to make bail. Across the country states are trying to implement new policies to deny high-risk felons bail, while conducting risk assessments to see if inmates would be a safety concern if they were released until their trial. Many plans have been developed but the big bail business remains a barrier.

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  • An Abandoned Roman Salami Factory Becomes an Illegal, Inhabited Museum

    About 200 people from around the world, most of whom were homeless, occupied a former meat factory where they cleaned the space and set up homes. An Italian artist worked with residents to create a unique venue that exhibits murals, paintings, and installations of over 300 artists from around the world. The museum does not have a budget, the artists donate their works, and it operates on a democratic concept where artists from different backgrounds and styles work together. Despite not occupying the space legally, residents believe that the value the art offers to society prevented them from being evicted.

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  • In New Mexico, demographic shifts have helped job growth

    Historically there has been stigma and pushback to bilingual and immigrant programs, but some counties are starting to embrace diversity as key to economic development. Greater diversity spurs innovation, entrepreneurship, and population growth in rural areas, recognition of these benefits has eased the stigma and encouraged more immigrant programs.

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  • Philly activists raising money to bail poor defendants out of jail

    For many low-income people who are arrested, coming up with even a small amount of bail money is nearly impossible, leaving them to languish for months before their cases are ever adjudicated. That means lost jobs and housing and sometimes custody of their kids. In Philadelphia, a number of groups have banded together and raised funds to bail out inmates, following examples in other cities, as a temporary measure until policymakers can enact long-term bail reform.

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  • How a Temple professor and a prison inmate started an international movement

    In the Inside-Out Exchange program half of the students are college students, and the other half are prison inmates. The program has “expanded to about 150 correctional institutions across the globe” but the biggest takeaway is the effect it has on people. Students were “ engaged in a way they never had been in the classroom. For the inmates, suddenly their opinions mattered.”

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  • Hospital Beats Federal Bureaucracy to Offer Local Traditional Foods

    The siglaug, is an Inupiaq word for ice cellar. It is also how the Inupiaq people are preserving a part of their culture. The siglaug, opened after the Farm Bill was passed, which allowed for the opening of a food processing center. Prior to that, elders staying at the local hospital ward could only eat federally approved foods like spaghetti. “Since 2015, the sigluaq has provided a facility for Harris and others to process donated meat, fish, and fowl according to government regulations so they can be served to elders in the long-term care.”

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  • Science, Interrupted

    Thousands of researchers across the world have been displaced by war. They struggle to resume their work as refugees in a foreign country. Yet, numerous organizations are trying to help at risk scholars by offering fellowships to help them continue their work.

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  • US immigration arrests rise — and neighbors sign up to witness ICE operations

    Volunteers, hotlines, community supporting families, these are the basic principles of rapid response networks. A rapid response network is a community led, volunteer response to immigration crackdowns that is being replicated in cities around the country. When people are getting detained, the rapid response networks are activated, volunteers receive a text that a neary neighbor is getting deported and they rush to the house. They take notes, and record with their cellphones. “I feel hopeful that there’s something I can do rather than sitting worried and angry, and I feel like I can be part of something that

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