Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • New “Education Passport” Tested in Greece

    The European Qualifications Passport, could make it easier for refugees to access higher education. The document functions like an academic transcript and includes educational history, spoken languages, and professional experience. don't “We want to help and facilitate the integration of refugees at the earliest stage.”

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  • Meet a new breed of prosecutor

    Across the country, a small number of young prosecutors are changing the face of our current criminal justice system. They are moving away from the “strict law-and-order practices of the past,” and employing a more liberal approach: “eschewing the death penalty, talking rehabilitation as much as punishment, and often refusing to charge people for minor offenses.”

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  • Young Colombian refugees find new lifeline in Ecuador

    Ecuador has a large number of refugees, particularly from Colombia, these refugees face a lot of barriers upon arrival. 'Fudela' is a soccer program that has Ecuadorians and Colombians playing together in order to foster understanding, cooperation, teamwork, job skills and community.

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  • At Leschi Elementary, equity conversations are common — among teachers, parents and, increasingly, students

    For many years, Leschi Elementary was a divided school - white kids were overwhelmingly enrolled in Leschi's Montessori program, while students of color were most likely found in the "contemporary" classes. In 2014, staff decided to combine the two curricula, offering all students a "Best of Both" blended model. Leschi now openly encourages conversations about social justice and inclusion among both students and parents and while there was some initial attrition after the change, most families are now quick to point to the clear benefits of the school's shift.

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  • Delivering Gourmet Pizza, and Jobs Training, in Cook County Jail

    Recipe for Change is a program that teaches incarcerated people Italian cuisine skills, which is meant to help them gain employment when they reenter society. An estimated 200 people have gone through the program. Similarly, other programs are focusing on helping formerly incarcerated people gain employment.

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  • The Heartland Wants More New Americans

    In the aftermath of an election "consumed with anti-immigration rhetoric," many of the same states that helped put Trump in the White House are not just home to growing numbers of immigrants and refugees, but many are actively seeking to naturalize these populations, as they play a significant role in bolstering economic growth. The Cities for Citizenship initiative is helping local governments to make the naturalization process more transparent and accessible for immigrant communities across the midwest.

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  • What happened when Camden started rethinking policing to build trust

    Police reform in Camden, New Jersey has centered on de-escalation and increased surveillance. With these reforms, the city has seen a decrease in violent and nonviolent crime and a decrease in the use of and complaints of excessive force by police. While not without concerns of the increased surveillance, the department says the shift of role from warrior to guardian is showing impact.

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  • Pennsylvania's top court just made it way harder to sentence kids to life in prison

    To sentence a minor to life in prison without parole, prosecutors in Pennsylvania must now prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the minor is incapable of rehabilitation. The state supreme court ruling is meant to recognize most children’s impulsivity and their ability to change. The ruling is a significant step in Pennsylvania, which is home to the largest population of juvenile lifers in the nation.

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  • Fight or Flight

    As immigration policy fluctuates under the current administration and the future of thousands of undocumented migrants remains volatile, uncertain, and complex, many find themselves in a heightened state of stress and fear. But activists in Colorado are attempting to take positive steps and support the immigrant community, specifically through the creation of the Colorado Rapid Response Network and 24-hour hotline. The network helps ensure accurate information about ICE activity is shared and that trained volunteers are available to assist with legal, human, or civil rights concerns.

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  • Why a $10,000 Philly tax break got almost no takers

    In Philadelphia, the city enrolled out a program that offered companies a $10,000 tax credit. The catch? Hire former prisoners who have crime records. To the surprise of the city, the program tanked. Now, the city created a similar, but revised program “ the Fair Chance Hiring Initiative.”

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