Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Where busing works

    As tensions over race and education continue to be compounded by growing economic inequality and political rhetoric, one school in Connecticut bridges an otherwise widening divide. Schools like R.J. Kinsella Magnet School of Performing Arts - once the poorest and one of the most racially segregated schools in the state - are inspiring voluntary desegregation by offering successful magnet programs and busing students safely and efficiently across neighborhoods. The successful demonstration of integration in Kinsella is serving as a positive model for other schools around the nation.

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  • Philadelphia Reentry Coalition wants to solve for the 'severe lack of data on returning citizens'

    Two, separate coalitions in Philadelphia, whose aim is to lower recidivism rates, joined into one. Aviva Tevah, the director of the coalition, will have to merge the vision and goals of the 80 plus members. “We set new targets, a new organizational structure and focused on what it would look like to build the infrastructure for deeper collaboration in the future.”

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  • A simple combination of data and language tweaks is helping recruit more diverse police officers

    To diversify the police force, UK and US research studies have focused on using behavioral economics. The UK's Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) has used behavioural economics and psychology to alter phrasing and messages, in order to attract more diverse applicants and its success has spurred more future projects.

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  • Murder in the City: Deep Causes, Harmful Biases, Unexpected Solutions to Gun Violence

    Young black Jacksonians are afraid to call the police in self defence for fear they will be accused of gang violence and arrested instead of protected. Various programs are using research of violence and recidivism to create programs that address the people most likely to commit violent crimes instead of just putting them in jail.

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  • Could this one simple idea stop the revolving door to prison?

    In Pennsylvania, “500 men and about 10 women juvenile lifers who have been locked away for decades” will be released due to a recent Supreme Court decision that said it was unconstitutional for judges to strike automatic life-without-parole sentence for juveniles. Unfortunately, recidivism rates show that “ 60 percent of people are locked up again within three years of being released.” However, pairing a former prisoner with a mentor is an old school solution that has been proven to be successful. Studies show “participants who had mentors were twice as likely to find jobs and 39 percent less likely to reci

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  • America Beyond Detention: Taking Shelter

    Three Part Series, "America Beyond Detention": For decades, immigrant advocates have argued that the federal government should increase the use of residential shelters - like Casa Marianella in Austin - as an alternative to detention. The shelters are generally less expensive, treat immigrants more humanely, and are better equipped to integrate people into their new communities.

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  • The costs of growth and change in Nashville

    Nashville Mayor Megan Barry is developing a comprehensive strategy for affordable housing to help address the challenges of rising property prices and gentrification for the city's poor and minorities. The city is helping influence more inclusive growth patterns through financial incentives like the Barnes Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

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  • I'm FREE, Prisoner Re-Entry Program for Women, Takes a New Approach

    “Female offenders are the largest-growing prison population.” Key to making sure women don’t return to prison are effective reentry programs like FREE, a program for female offenders. However, FREE isn’t like other programs. It focuses on exploring the root causes that lead woman to commit crimes through a method called “cognitive shifting.”

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  • How this podcast is fighting underrepresentation, one artist at a time

    The popularity of the podcast has skyrocketed in recent years, but minorities remain drastically underrepresented in the field, as with most media realms. Contemporary Black Canvas was created to help encourage people of color to participate, as well as giving minorities a platform from which to speak and a foot in the door of the industry.

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  • Why keeping minority teachers in the classroom matters

    While minority students in K-12 account for almost 50%, there are significantly fewer minority teachers. Most of the efforts are focused on recruitment but not on retention as teachers spend on average three years at a job. There are a few programs that are helping to increase retention by creating a collaborative community of teachers. However, a more systemic approach is needed.

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